Qcc seat replacements

I have a new to me QCC 500XL, and a Sea Knife tandem, that I’m looking to replace the seats in. I have a bad back in the lumbar area. Does anyone have any sit in, seat replacement recommendations? All I’ve seen so far are for sit on top kayaks.

Current Designs seat with revolution seat back. You can also install a wide base seat depending on your size.

Lots of options all the way up to custom built.

I have one of these. Always been quite happy with it. Depending on your own personal fit needs, this might be a good “base” on which to start? It might even be able to switch between boats? Depends on your needs. For touring it’s good. If there’s a big focus on rolling, rock-gardens and surf it probably won’t fit your needs.

Creature Comfort Seat

You’ll certainly get lots of suggestions here!
Good luck.

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Custom is certainly an option too. I’d look at it like getting orthotics to solve foot problems - if you need it to function, it’s worth it.

Here’s an example of what’s possible:
Custom Seats

Or start with a carved out base and build from there:
Seat Base

The QCC has a backrest that’s a little more substantial than a backband but it’s not very stiff. The support is similar to a backband. There’s a rigid, composite seat pan with a combo seat pad/backrest on top - sort of like the backrest used for many sit-on-top kayaks. If you find the seat pan comfortable and just need better back/lumbar support, perhaps you can find a sit-on-top seat that gives better back support.

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I’ve got a Redfish seat on order right now - hoping to get it in the next few weeks. I’d be happy to give you my thoughts once I have some “butt time” in it.

I also have some lower back issues - I know this is low-tech, but worth trying first. When I received my Q400, the seat provided was not good. It turned out that removing the seat and sitting directly on the seat pan underneath on a piece of Ridge Rest camp pad is really comfortable. I eventually attached the pad with double-stick tape, but initially used it loose for a couple of weeks.

CD seat but I have the narrow seat back pad up. I gain room like that and have seat back partially under the combing. You can vary the angle when you install the base. Flex under your legs with the seat which is better than hard shell seats for me. Bottom picture is seat back with the standard pad missing they don’t have any. They don’t have the adjustable seat back either. I don’t use the seat base pad either.

That’s a wide base seat I installed which is 17" vs. 16 on standard seat. I widen the combing legs. Seats held in with pop rivets on each side usually and silicone on the base as you can see. I don’t use as much silicone as they do. Minicell wedge goes in front of seat base not shown in picture except where it was glued. Cut it or slide it back slightly for different angles.