Question for you excercise physiologists

Thank you
I hear laughing can add years to your life. I’m going to keep paddling and add more laughing to my health practices!

I love this PNet stuff!!

Percentage of fat burned may be higher at lower intensties, but total burn is much less.

If it’s 50% fat in low zone and you burn 300 total an hour - and it’s only 25% fat at higher intensity and you burn 1000 total calories an hour = well, do the math. You may have been buring a higher percentage of fat at lower intensity, but actually burned 100 more fat calories at the higher pace - plus another 600 more carb calores that won’t get turned into fat later!

Maybe if you worked off 100 total calories walking and 1000 running - more of it would be fat walking - but who has time to exercise 4 times as long for the same total burn?

Energy balance stuff is simple math. More calories in = more fat. Less calories in = less fat. More exercise = less fat, less exercise = more fat.

Playing the percentage game is like people who buy new equipment to go faster instead of training.

Polar HRM
I think some of you use the HRM’s that define calories burned. The only real way to measure calories is to measure temperature changes. The HRM can use a lot of regressions and averages but it can’t tell you how many calories you burned. The only real way to know if you are in the “fat burning zone” would probably be to take blood samples and measure blood lactate peroiodically. Don’t substitute the owners manual to your HRM for a degree in Physiology.

I don’t do it, but it seems like it’d mix this up even more.