Quetico route questions...

Heading up to Quetico; Beaverhouse to Moose, with a side trip to Chatterton. There are a couple of route choices we are trying to make if anyone can provide specific lakes or other details for the questions below.

If a route or portage choice sends us over to a cool feature, or increadible fishing hole, add that too !!

  1. Best route from Sturgeon to Delahay? And if double portaging, total time on the DM from Delahay to Conmee?

  2. Best route from Suzannette to McIntire (I think there are two available)?

  3. Best route from Sarah to North Bay?

  4. Isabella to North Bay. At the east end of Isabella, there are two bays, the northern one portages to a lake, the southern through a small creek. Providing there is enough water in the creek, which one?

    We are looking to spend a layover day before hitting the Delahey-Conmee portage. On one of the 3-4 (i.e. Camel, Fred, Delahey), is any one in particular better than the other (including fishing) and can you recommend a campsite?

    The other layover choice is to stay on Conmee, and do a day trip to Poobah with just canoes. We don;t mind the portage work, but is Poobah worth it? Or is there a better day-trip adventure out of either Conmee, or the Delahay,Fred,Camel area?

    Really appreciate your help !!!


Portage database
You should check out the Quetico portage database on http://www.quietjourney.com/pdb/index.html. Prior to being able to access it, you might need register at level above this one. Lots of good information, many times with posts by different people at different times, different conditions. Those are all important factors; best for one person is not necessarily same for another because of physical abilities, weather conditions, amount of gear, personal preference. In over 30 years of tripping in Quetico, I can say that a portage that one year seems like a bear isn’t bad on another. For example, I’ve been through some that were boot-sucking muck one year and another, very dry and thus easy. Same goes for rocky, hilly ones. rock faces with lichens can be very slick when wet and not under drier conditions. You might also post your question on the BWCA and Quetico Park Bulletin Board.