Does anyone know if there are any races at the cape, or on the south shore of Boston in August?
Thanks in advance.
I’m aware of one tentative on Cape
Cod - There is no firm date yet it’s tentative for August ?? 12:00 p.m. details as follows “MF-5 to 7 mi. and Sea Kayak Class SWAN RIVER CANOE RACE: Nantucket Sound/ Swan River, Dennisport, MA. Contact Bob Ahern, 5 Lower County Rd., Dennisport, MA 02639. 508-394-4466”.
I got the info from the Maine Canoe and Kayak Racing Organization, they have a pretty comprehensive list of races in NE -
Because you’re looking for stuff SE MA and Cape Cod you might keep an eye on the RI Canoe & Kayak Assoc. site too ( Having been born and raised in SE MA I can attest that residents in that part of MA generally have a greater affinity for, and commonality with Rhode Islanders rather than “Bostonians” and residents of the MA Northshore.
I "Hurt…"
No “affinity” at all for Bostonians? Not even those who like to boat? Are we boating differently than SE kayakers and/or RI kayakers?
Personally I am really high on the RI surf kayakers. Great bunch of folks. I suspect it’s not because they are Rhode Islanders but because we share a common passion.
Let’s not harp over differences
but relish in the fact that we are all the same.
I Agree…
though it’s not clear to me what the “differences” were to start off with. That shot came across the bows of Boston and more northern MA paddlers out of the blue.
I’ll give them a call.
And on that north shore south shore thing…
That started with the Pilgrims.
As they migrated from Plymouth north, when they crossed through Dorchester, they noticed that from there on, the water got very cold, just like the north shore blue bloods were very cold, so they retreated, and drew a line through Dorchester, and drew up a document that stated no respectable south shore citizen was to cross it under penalty of being thrown in a jail in Revere and put on a diet of beans and cod for the remainder of their life.
As the south shore population exploded, and the born and Sagamore bridge became more and more congested, the founding Pilgrim fathers decided that they should start thinning out the population by culling the dregs of society and banishing them to Nahant, Peabody, Beverly, and the frigid north shore beaches.
It became a natural thing to proudly admit that you were from the “south shore”, and wouldn’t be caught dead on the “north shore”
On my next trip to Maine and NH I’ll use 495, so I don’t get caught.
South Shore Races
Jack, I think the Swan River race will be Saturday August 21st, lots of fun on a tidal river with great food after. The North River race should be around August 14th or 15th in the Marshfield area, contact either the North River Watershed or Billington Sea Kayak in Plymouth for more info. Around Jamestown RI is August 28th. The Martha’s Vineyard Oar & Paddle Regatta should be August 29th. And the Charles River Races are every Wednesday night in Newton.
Thanks Pam and I promise
if I am on the starting line of any of them with you, I’ll make sure I am behind you!
For any one wondering about that, when we were on the starting line of The Bogey race down in Key Largo, it was my first time in the QCC 700, (throwing myself to the wolves).
Having almost always paddled my Eclipse with the rudder up, I did the same with the new yak.
I got sideways in front of Pam. When she tried to get around me, I got sideways in front of her when she tried to go left. Then I got sideways in front of her when she tried to go right.
By the time she finally was able to get cranked up, everyone was a few hundred yards long gone.
My apologies again Pam.
I will never forget that and how stupid I felt.
The Other Historical Interpretation
is that the "more adventuresome" set off for points north. At one time, Maine was but an extension of Massachusetts, where the rough and tumble independents set off to unknown, forbidding territory in search of something that could not be found in the tamed and "civilized" southern parts of NE. As these adventurers settled, their succeeding generations, relished their independence and ability to make a living from rock scrabble land of sea and mountains more and more. Once psychological divide was made, the geographic divide -- Maine from Massachusetts -- was not too far behind. The brevity and economy of speech Maine folk were but reflection of a deeper separation rooted in the spirit and in the land that didn't tolerate useless embellishment associated with "civil society. Heretofore, the "down east" folk distinguish themselves from their "softer" southern brethen, the "flatlanders." :)
(conjuring up "history.")
Hey! the comment wasn’t meant to be
a “shot”, just a reflection of this SEMASS native’s personal opinion and in a minor way a reflection of the fact that the RICKA site appears to have more information about paddling opportunities (which is what JackL was looking for) in SEMASS than other area sites.
Contrary to popular myth Boston is anything but the “hub of the universe”! (now this is a shot!)
I Agree…
I would hate to live in the "hub" of anything... Thankfully, they won't even let the DNC party until past 2 AM. :)
Thanks for clarifying what you meant -- that RICKA covers more events local to them -- as it should. Now I understand your "affinity" statement. :)
Right on the with the DNC nightmare
Boston looks to be one heck of a place to try and get around in for the last week in July. I work about 250 yard from the Fleet - we’re adjusting our hour from the usual 8:30 - 5 to 7 - 3 in hopes of escaping before the lock down.
The good news is I decided not to fight it for 2 of the four days, so I’ll have extra paddling time - I just have to remember to stay out of the inner harbor and away from Logan