Racing Kayak Buying Advice

I have been in a few races; the latest was a 7.5 mile river race. I used a 175 Tsunami. I did well (2nd in my catagory), but felt like I was in a tugboat. Granted, stroke is a big part, but so is the boat! It’s time to get a racing kayak. From what I have learned, I’m going to have to “Graduate Up” & not get something I can’t keep upright. I weight 170 lbs & in good shape. What should I be looking at now? Thanks !!!

If you are talkong about the regular
"Sea Kayak" catagory, take a look at either the Epic 18, or the QCC-700.

Most of the races that I enter put the EFTs and Thunderbolts in the racing class, but I know down in Florida and The USCA put the EFTs in with the what I consider normal sea kayaks, so you need to check around as to what the specs in your area are for the different classes.

I think the Epic 18 might be a tad faster then the QCC-700, but the quality of the 700 is better then the Epic. It is usually the engine that rules between those two



Where are you racing? NM
See you on the water,


The River Connection, Inc.

Hyde Park, NY

Which kayak to trade up to?
From a Tempest, it sounds like you are ready for a faster, and less stable boat. The short list I’d suggest is the Epic 18x, CD Stratus, or the KayakPro Nemo. . These should be pretty good out on the Hudson River near you. These are as fast as Sea Kayaks get, and make USCA regulations. They also go pretty fast with reasonable power from the paddler. If your goal is to go fast, that is the shortlist in USCA Sea Kayak.

The next step would be Touring - something like an EFT or K1 Trainer like a Laser or Jet. This class will go even faster - almost full out racing speeds, but at the expense of stability. Many boats in this class also lack bulkheads, and thus swamp pretty badly when capsized or caught in a really steep boat wake.

Hope this helps.
