rack saddle pads

A few years ago s lady on the net made soft covers for rack saddles. She has vanished and I wonder if someone knows of another option? Thanks for any help you can provide.

minicell foam
I duct-tape 1" minicell foam to the saddles. Stays in place through rain and highway driving for at least a year.

This cannot be too complicated a project. A yard of 200-wgt fleece and an hour on a sering machine.


yak rak booties
I think i know which lady you are talking about as i bought the booties from her about five or six years ago. here’s the phone number i had for back then…it might help you…phone 1-207-725-0848. her email at that time was.....pthompson@gwi.net…hope this helps. in all the years i’ve been using them, they haven’t even begon to show any wear and tear. i swear by them…ss

yak rak booties
kayakboy, found another email address that you might be able to use for that same lady. oh yea, her name is Pat Crawford…here’s the other email… www.gwi.net/yakbooties…good luck

Indoor - outdoor carpet
Pick the color you want, cut it to size, barge cement it into the saddle. Stays put, works great, hose/scrub it off when it eventually gets grungy. Lasts for years.

many thanks for your help
this group never fails to come through. I am always energized by the group think here.