Rain Roulette

There’s been some chance of rain almost every day lately so yesterday I decided to take a chance when the sky looked pretty friendly.

This is the spot where I knew I should turn around but didn’t…because we’re near peak colors so I wanted to see up ahead.

About 3 miles upstream I found a little color but now was sure I should have turned around earlier.

And got rained on all the way home.

Today was even rainier and also windier so I decided to go for a hike and even that was rained out but the rain finally stopped around dinner time so I went to Grand Mere State Park and enjoyed the best part of the day.


great pictures

That’s a fabulous photo of the lake.

Storms can be beautiful to see, sometimes in a terrifying way—awe of nature displaying her power.

Very nice photo!

Paddling in the rain is no big deal. In a lot of places you just have to get used to it. A good spray skirt keeps half of your body dry. The top can be dry suit, wet suit or other material. Stop if you get cold. Bring a rain fly to build a fire under. Bring good fire building materials. Choose your partners carefully.

A couple of bonus pics. With sunset pics I always have trouble deciding which one(s) to post and I also have trouble deleting them from my phone.


Very nice!
