Recommendations for Booney Type Hats?

My local Tractor Supply store has these Dorfman Pacific hats that seem like candidates for kayaking (plus quite a few other cowboy and Indiana Jones type hats):

I’m going to check our local Tractor Supply for those hats. The hat on the far left in my pic above is the Dorfman Pacific hat I found at a put-in after a flood. It was ground into the mud and hard to even recognize as a hat but after washing I’m impressed with it. The ventilation works and the one in your pic looks to have even better ventilation.

@TomL said:
I’m going to check our local Tractor Supply for those hats.

You can check store stock online too.

Just Google “hat, sun, hot weather” and you will find all manner of cheap boonie hats. These are military surplus or knock-offs, mimicking the original boonies. Aussies call them used to call them giggle hats. In the Canadian military, they are called “silly hats”, to rhyme with Tilley Hats (a Canadian company, after all).

Yep tons of them on the military sites. I just ordered a Mil spec camo.

I just picked up a good one, an Aussie Breezer from LL Bean. I was in there the other day for a couple other small items and they gave me a $10-off coupon, so I went back to spend it before it expired.

Crown and brim are stiff and snappy, and the chin-cord doesn’t touch my ears, plus it has a spring-loaded lock. Now my Bora-bora goes to the donation bin.

Made in USA by the Henschel Hat Co. Check it out:

That Breezer is beautiful. I got one of these for all around wear, a softer brim but not as floppy as the Bora Bora. I ordered another with a little larger brim and all cotton with tiger stripe camo.
I should be set…

Shelta hat - Osprey

[quote=“string, post:31, topic:75296, full:true”]
Uh-oh! There are people who think you are crazy for paying for a Tilley. [/quote]

I have to revive this thread to gloat. Look what I found at a closeout store for five dollars.


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The Tilly lifetime warranted is good. I’m on my third issue of one purchased Tilly hat.

You are ahead of me. I’m only on my second. I did take them up on returning the original to me. That hat has a lot of river miles under it.

I use my original for yard work.

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