Refurbushing '97 CS

I’ve been paddling a '97 Solstice GTS as my regular ride since getting it used about a year ago. Since there were a few weak spots, cracks, chipped gel coat, although no leaks, and since the gel coat has oxodized a bit, I patched the fibreglass and buffed off the deck oxidation with rubbing compound and a hand orbital sander. I plan to continue going over the hull using the orbital sander with the rubbing compound and apply a coat of wax before replacing all the bungies and perimeter and rudder lines. Any comments, recommendations, suggestions, cautions from the brain trust?

I’ve got some refurb pics on Webshots

Polish / wax suggestion

I have a lot of experience with waxes and such, and this stuff LASTS. You can only get this on-line or from one of Sals distributors.

Note: In the world of go fast catamaran racing we wet sand our hulls with 600 grit to get a constant wetted surface and we do not wax!!

Yes … It is the only thing I use on my Impala SS. Impala Bob

buffing rpm
Carefull with the buffing of Gel coat anything used to buff should not exced 2,000 RPM’s or be very, very careful. Gel will burn instead of pollish and the finish will need re-doing. polish using 1,000 for old hulls. use 2,000 grit for a nice shiny finish.

Best wishes


Keep going as you are… sounds good…

– Last Updated: May-11-05 2:46 AM EST –

As long as you keep the pad moving you should have no problems..... 2000 is very slow and will only harm the gelcoat if you were to hold it there on some edge ( corner) for more than a few seconds in one place while pushing do too hard on buffer. Gelcoat is much more resistant to burn through than automotive paint.... almost impossible to mess up unless you are drunk. If the gelcoat is coming up nice with polishing compound.... no need to use anything coarser then that....

Rubbing, compound / 2000 g should be reserved as last resort, for when you want to sell the boat or unless the boat is a dark color and really gone.

Hand or hand buffers can be a little slow, but o.k. results. Can be done faster if need be.
Call me if you want for real world, professional advice.


Thanks for the advice and suggestions. I’ll let you know how it turns out.