Anyone using or have any thoughts on the Ritchie SportAbout Compass with the kayak holder?
I think they are fairly new. Looks to be a decent non permanent mount version, seems easier to read than the popular Suunto Orca.
I don’t normally need a compass for Virginia and NC, navigation by ranging works fine for most of my paddling even several miles from land, but thought it may be a nice addition for some conditions.
well made
I have not used the one you reference but have used this one:
I like the four clips as it allows a good secure installation even though it is temporary.
I use it for night navigation and mount it fairly close to me on the deck.
nice idea
Those have been around and i like the concept. You can put the compass in the kayak mount on the deck and slide it in and out to use by hand. Handy for taking bearings. I recently found one i forgot i had in the garage and haven’t used it yet.