River Wye Trip

Looking to do a kayaking trip on the River Wye with a mate. Would like to camp for 2 nights and plan on car ferrying between the start and end point. I’d also like Symonds Yat to be part of the trip.

I’d really appreciate suggestions on where to start and finish and also riverside campsite recommendations would be amazing!


Where is the River Wye?

In bloody England, lol.

I bloody thought so. Good luck LC82.

Sorry LC82, but I have to ask, does your user name have anything to do with a calculator sold by Sears in the US in the late 1970’s?

I know that must seem to be an odd request, but I had one of those and it was my first “real” calculator. Just seeing your username brought it immediately to mind.


You will probably find more information and feedback on UK waters from songofthepaddle.com , the UK based paddlers forum. You can search for topics on specific regions and rivers or post an inquiry inviting responses.

I’m in the US, but before I took a trip to Yorkshire with my folding kayak 7 years ago I signed up at songofthepaddle and posted my plans looking for suggestions. Withing 48 hours I got 5 responses, including the welcome information that the town (Malton) in which I had booked a cottage had a paddlers’ club with their own boat house and dock on the river Derwent. They invited me to paddle with them and two club members actually showed up at the door of my cottage within an hour of my arrival to greet me and start making plans! Had a great time with them on two outings during both weekends of my stay.

And the others on the forum who reached out to me shared some great information about suggested routes and how to get permission for certain launches.

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Now I feel I should change my name to HP86.

Now, that was a calculator!

The 86 is long gone, but the 11C lives on…


I think that means I need to change mine name to abacus


I’ll be TI-99

Another great choice!!

TI SR-50 here, the first scientific slide rule calculator with trig, logarithms and their inverses. Bought it my second quarter first year in college. Is it sad that I still have it and its original box?

Back to regular programming though, I do have a book on my shelf about paddling the Wye. Paddle the Wye: A Guide for Canoes, Kayaks and SUPs 2nd ed. By Mark Rainsley published 2022. Covers from the source above Port Mawr to the Severn, divided into 15 sections with detailed info including camping, food and access. You may want to find a copy or look up the author for a chat over a cuppa.

Totally jealous you’re doing this, it’s a Bucket List paddle for me.

Pob lwc!

The book is available from several sources on line. There is a stockist in Fleckney, Leicestershire, UK, who apparently has it.

Monster Bookshop, Fleckney, United Kingdom