Has anyone tried one? If so, what was your experience?
Does it handle in the same manner as the Alaw Bach?
I know it is a lower volume model for the smaller paddler.
I have a demo Isel and have paddled it several times. It is a very sweet handling boat. For me at 6’2" 195# it only works as a day boat however.
Is the Isel…
the same degree of a surf demon as the (Plastic) Alaw Bach ???..#1 boat I wish I never would have sold. Best (effortless and friendly) surfer I’ve ever been in. Love my Xtreme, which replaced the Alaw… but it took about a cumulative month to learn all it’s weird characteristics… and it still bites me in the ass every now and then.
Rockpool isel
Got a Isel, 78 kg and 182 cm. Suits me well. My experiences so far, is that it works well in big Water. Still waiting for the big surf, but turning it is easy and rolling is fun.
Looking forward to pack it for 3-4 daytrips which I think, must be ultralight packing.