Need some advice. Am thinking of doing the standard wilderness run on the Rogue in 2006 but don’t know any boaters who have done it. Am a competent Class II, III paddler (paddle a Dagger Impulse)and have done such runs as the Main Salmon, Lodore, Desolation as trips and others such as the Gallatin and Greys.
Could anybody give me an idea of how the Rogue is for a canoeist? How does it compare to the Main Salmon. Have heard that it is a bit more technical.
Would appreciate any information.
I know a guy who did it years ago in
a canoe. I believe it was raft supported. If you want, e mail me at and i will forward it to him.
Rogue in Oregon?
If that’s the one you are asking about.
A friend of mine did it this summer in a rented Prodigy. He’s fairly competent class III boater and as I recall he found it fairly easy and non technical. Bear in mind that he’s a New England (more rocks than water) boater so his idea of technical and yours may differ.
His pics are here.
Looks like a real nice trip. I’m jelous!
Re: Rogue River Canoe
As Tommy mentioned, I paddled the Rogue last June with my family. I had a rented OC1 (Bell Prodigy), my son-in-law was in an IK, and my daughter, wife, and a friend were in the friend’s raft. Very beautiful river. I’m used to New England, so I found this to be bigger waves and not at all technical.
I did lots of swimming - mostly because I wasn’t used to big waves and squirely eddy lines. The spot the rafts find the toughest (Blossom Bar) was no problem at all in a canoe. The hardest part for a canoe was the coffee pot in Mule Creek Canyon.
If you’ve handled other big water class III stuff, you should have no trouble with the Rogue. The Impulse is probably more stable than the Prodigy, so that would be a plus as well. And I suspect that the waves are not as big as the main Salmon (but I don’t have personal experience there.)
Thank you for the url
Thank you for the link to the pictures. These are sure worth a thousand words and gives me a great idea of the river (of course it will differ at different levels).
They answer all of my questions and it looks like a fun trip.