Rollin rollin rollin

Hi all!
I’m in North East Florida and I’m hoping to take some rolling instruction. Sweetwater Kayaks is a trusted outfit and I even purchased one of my boats from them, but they’re about 3 hours away from me and I’m sure I’ll need more than one session. They still may be my best bet. Anyone know a closer option? I did investigate “Adventure Spirit Kayaking” but I’m getting no response.
Also, are pool sessions better or easier for learning? I’ve also reached out to a Sea Kayaking club out of Jacksonville, but I don’t even think they’re active any longer as their website seems outdated.

Check out the American Canoe Association (ACA) list of instructors in the Jax/Gainesville area. Wish I still lived there to help you. Alternately, try emailing FSKA - they usually have one or two members who may teach rolling.

Yes, pools are great for learning to roll. The skill DOES transfer to murky or active water. I would recommend you don’t get dependent on goggles. You won’t have goggles on when you find yourself upside down and need to roll up. Either learn without goggles or just use them a few times to help with getting properly oriented. Good luck in your quest.

I will ask around.

The two active stores with instructions and trips is Sweetwater and Savannah Canoe and Kayak. But there used to be some individuals instructors around.

Savannah Canoe and Kayak is very well run by fellow Brit Nigel Law and his wife Kristin; they have a great shop. They do offer lots of tours and instruction but I don’t think they do pool sessions. They usually shut down shop over the winter months. Savannah is also a good two hours drive north of Jacksonville.

Thank you sir! I’ve tried emailing the kayak club a while back, but heard nothing and seems their website is old. I never looked west towards G’ville though. Will now.

Thank you. I’ll look into Savannah area. It’s actually a little closer than Tampa!

Yeah…I was thinking getting used to goggles might not be a great thing…I don’t know. I’d rather “see” or not see what’s in store right from the get go, but what do I know, haven’t tried it yet!:laughing:

FSKA…You received a reply from me, the past president. The old web site directs you to the new web site. I’ve asked but no info yet. If there is one in Gainesville, go.

We had a couple of members that did lessons but they moved. The other retired from training. Most times we train each other on paddles.

To learn, use the goggles or anything else that makes you comfortable so that you can dedicate to feeling the roll. Don’t fall into the theory that everything has to be the way rolling in conditions would be.

Wear a mask if it helps or goggles , ear plugs, nose plug, Tuilik…anything that allows you learn the body and boat mechanics without adding other worries. It is easy to adapt after you learn the mechanics.

The easiest way is hard enough.

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Thank you! I may need to check my junk mail more often! I’ll investigate further.

I use goggles for a different reason. Where I usually practice rolling has a nice sand bottom, no rocks, but is unfortunately frequented by geese. There is supposedly some chance of eye infection, hence the goggles. However, I have found that, in my case, the goggles have no effect on my rolling.

Having learned to roll when I wore contact lens and in tanic dark water, I learned to roll with my eyes closed - one could barely see a few inches anyway. One season we had a pool available so I used a low volume swim mask then - a mask helps to learn, however do not become dependent on it. A combat roll does not give you time to put on a mask or execute a perfect set up either.

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The whole “Dependent” issue , is a non issue if you practice enough. You will progress to non set-up rolls etc. If you PRACTICE …there is really no need to make everything more difficult just because. Pool practice will mean chlorine eyes. Get comfortable and learn … and keep comfortable and practice.

As you progress, the what if stuff disappears. And you will roll

Hey roym, Maybe what I’ve seen is the “if you practice enough” issue. I know a paddler who had a difficult time getting out of his comfort zone. Was it his fear/risk intolerance or was he just not practicing enough? He had one reliable roll if… he had his goggles on and someone would stand next to him… and if he was perfectly set up before he went over. I think he really needed to practice more and/or force himself out of his comfort zone.

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Practice makes perfect! There is also no reason a person can’t paddle wearing goggles if they want or it makes them more comfortable.

Many WW paddlers wear nose plugs when running rapids.

Too many people seem to think that the are not allowed to prepare for a capsize in what ever way makes them comfortable for the conditions they are heading into for the day.

Just like lifting your butt from the seat to complete a roll…Your butt/Your boat/your rules. Learn what makes it happen and what makes YOU comfortable.

WE can look as silly as we like and people around us can adjust…wear your goggles and feel comfortable {they also come tinted and can double as sunglasses} I have a pair of nose plugs dangling from my sunglasses that I paddle with. If I am paddling and wish to do a little rolling, I can just put them on. I believe in comfort and practice. { I also carry ear plugs.}

If you don’t figure out how to be comfortable while practicing…you soon won’t practice so will not be at home in the water.

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Fear is a very tough thing for many … It however needs to be confronted and mastered.

If wearing a pair of goggles is all it takes to take the fear away…wear the goggles.

No contacts for me. I’m just more comfortable not exposing my eyes to nasty water so I learned to roll with 'em closed. Dancers don’t have to look at their feet to dance so why should I have to look at my paddle to roll?

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Any thoughts on how to help someone get over their rolling discomfort / fears?

don’t start with rolling. Depending on the kayak used, start with Balance Bracing or sculling for support.

Some kayaks and some peoples bodies don’t work for Balance Brace, so go to sculling instead.

They need to trust the instructor totally. When You work with them, don’t do anything else…pay total attention to them and how they are reacting and how they are doing.

work slowly with every step…never rush.

Many people end up rolling up once and then every one slaps them on the back and says…NOW you have your roll, lets go celebrate. They don’t even know how they did it, so have self doubt and can get very embarrassed to even practice because everyone said they had their roll.

Allow them to delve deeper and work more. 100 rolls of any derivation is a beginning…go slow and meticulous.

It is a long process once someone has fear…discomfort is because it is all new…fear can be very real and tough to explain how to defeat. It is different for different people…but trust in the instructor is key. Never lose the trust.

The instructor also needs to be very proficient at rolling themselves to notice the nuances of a proper low body impact efficient roll which uses style rather than bull strength.

The goal is to not depend on momentum or strength to complete a roll.

Sorry…Looks like I started a book. Maybe someone else will be more concise and to the point. … Just work slow and don’t overdo a secession.