Roof rack step up

Saw this and thought it might be of interest to those of you with tall SUVs - a step that hooks to your door latch.


Looks like you would have to be pretty athletic to use that thing. I wouldn’t recommend it for the faint of heart. You could get some real shin splints.

Husband says thanks, that would be handy for him

That looks like him and he steps on the door sill.

I was wondering what he was doing with that boat.

Ah heck, the patriarchy is handy for stuff like that


BTW how did you post a GIF?!


That’s perfect for us

Even for the roof tent :tent:

Now try and help an old lady climb down in the middle of the night with cold feet on a ladder

BOOM :boom:

On my laptop browser I RMBd the vid and selected Copy Image Link, then pasted to my reply. Was expecting a still image but this is better.


What is RMB?

Yours look better but I have contractors to pay
They are 9.99 for two and

Right mouse button.


Interesting gadget. One drawback I see is having to hold on with one hand for safety. I keep one of those cheapo folding stools in the car (the kind they sell for boosting small kids to the sink for brushing their teeth, but plenty sturdy for heavier loads). I can stand on it with both feet to reach boats on the racks and can drag it to any spot around the car for that function.

Doesn’t take me quite as high as that door hanger would, but does leave both hands free to adjust cam straps. Also has proven handy to sit on at the “free air” pump at my local gas station while waiting for the slow compressor to top off my tires.

MF, is that you ice climbing (couldn’t make out the face with the snow glare underexposure)? I just took a deep breath last week and passed on my crampons and most of my ice tool kit to a 4 decades younger climber just getting into the sport. Kept the helmet (for paddling) and one little Chouinard mini ice axe, mostly for nostalgia but also it’s pretty handy for busting up congealed bags of ice cubes and knocking ice hoses off my downspouts.

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You do realize that one little slip and you are in some deep doo doo.


It is called a step stool.

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I can’t have all that loose stuff flying around my doggo, it’s not safe at Autobahn speeds.:wink:

What loose stuff, it is a folding step stool that can be bungeed to the sidewall, it is a LOT safer and gives you access to any point on the roof, not just at the door latch where you will be twisting and holding on with one hand. Too much risk and very limited reward.

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This is what I have used for the past year, but mine is not quite as tall. Make sure they are opened fully or they may want to collapse.

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Much more useful, including around the house.

That might scratch my ride.
We don’t have room when we Overland and the dog doesn’t like things back there. Anything must be lashed down with tie downs. It’s work but you don’t want things flying because that is how you get decapitated, I’ve seen it.


It aint gonna scratch your ride, you put it up sideways, you can lash it down right to the roof rack outside of the compartment and it is much,much more useful and versatile.

If either one of slips off of the tiny step ( cold wet day) you are gonna scratch more then your ride.

I think I am going to pray for the dog.

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You mean clutter kills?

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