Hi I have an old prijon taifun I just cannot part with. we do river runs with up to class 3 rapids but also hit long stretches of flatwater If possible I would like to give her a fairly cheap removable rudder, up to about $150.00 max. any suggestions would be welcome.
Are you really convinced you will
benefit from a rudder on flattish stretches? I think a kayak of that length can be easily controlled with the paddle. An intermediate approach would be an externally mounted removable skeg. It would be lighter, easier to store, and the control mechanism would be simpler.
yup or a skeg
I have a tempest 17 also skeg rocks luv it.
it isn’t a control issue. the boat will spin on a dime it handles great. it is just very tiring when you have to paddle a few hours of flat water because the almost immediatly after you fininsh a stroke it will spin 180 degrees if you don’t continue to paddle and correct.it is great in a river with a strong current and handles rapdis like a charm. which is why I like doing river runs in it but flat water sections bites no relaxation.
where can I get
an externally mounted removable skeg?
try Necky
At one time they put an external drop down skeg on the looksha Sport 14.5
rudder kit suggestions for prijon taifun
Really not necessary IMO. I have two of these and have paddled the tidal Hudson River with no problem. YMMV.