Running/Jogging with a Kayak?

I live near a river and run/jog on the road that travels along its banks. I would like to figure out a way to run/jog upstream, towing my kayak behind me, for a lower body workout, and then kayak downstream for an upper body workout, and for fun.

I’ve looked at compact collapsable kayak trailers that I could use on one end of the kayak, but they don’t seem like they could stand up to miles of running routinely. I’m also looking for something like a harness I would wear on my back, that’s lightweight, that I could use carabiners to attach the other end of the kayak.

Anyone heard of people doing this? Heard of any products that I should look into?



carry it
for whole body workout. No further gear required.

get a bike
They make a nice bike trailer for kayaks.

I can’t imagine running over uneven terrain with a long trailer holding a kayak strapped to my waist. And it’s be tough to get started, stop and adjust to your variations in speed.

folders and inflatables
There are folding and inflatable kayaks under 25 pounds that you could tow in a jogging trailer and set up when you got to the launch. Orukayak, Feathercraft Kurrent or Pakboat Puffin Saco are light folders. Innova and Advanced Elements are just two who have small inflatables. You have to have a paddle and PFD as well, so you need to allow for that.

I run a couple miles regularly
I run a couple miles with a sea kayak on a cart regularly. I run from home to the put-in, put the cart in the back hatch, paddle to the takeout, put the wheels back under it, and run home.

The cart I’ve been using for some years now is at

You want to center mount the cart, balanced under the cockpit. Run a long single strap, secured around one side of the cart, around the front of the cockpit, around the other side of the cart, around the back of the cockpit. Snug it up. The cart is secured in a balanced position. You don’t lift. You only pull, or downhill, be pushed.

It would be easy enough to wear a belt and simply wrap it through the kayak’s front toggle. I just pull it with one hand or the other. The tires roll nicely - like bicycle tires.

It is a really nice way to get some exercise.

Yeah, but
It might get a little dicey on windy days, or if you are prone to tripping.

be like these guys
In the famous Dusi canoe race in south africa. The running section starts at about the 14:30 min mark.

These guys run a sub 40 min 10k with a K1 or K2 on their shoulder.

The dragging of a fiberglass K1 while sprinting down a dirt road is not recommended however.

take the kayak to the kayak launch point, perhaps by automotive vehicle. Lock it.

Go for a run, say, a mile. Turn around, retrace your route, and run back to where your parked kayak is waiting. If you prefer, keep running past the kayak in the other direction for however long you wish, then turn around again.

This way you can run 4 miles without ever being more than a mile from the kayak.

Now, having finally returned to the kayak, paddle to the take out point, which is, I presume, near to where you either live, or can access another form of transportation. You have taken a kayak cart with you. Secure the kayak somehow. Pick up either a bicycle or call a cab*, and go fetch your car. Load bike onto car if using 1st option. Go home.

*Check first. cab companies vary in how they handle requests to do shuttle relays for boating/rafting/kayaking. This varies from having several name brand cabs waiting at popular take out points for rafters on the river on weekends, to trying to use a cell phone to call up and convince a cab company to come to a county park, which they may not want to do, even if you saw their cab company vehicles hanging around said park the weekend before ! They will want a specific address and may want to meet you at the entrance or at a specific public spot, not “near the boat launch.” Try to select your river time so you have other people around who can help, if you really needed the cab and they’re balking.

Love it.
You did manage to sum up a lot of the reasons I really enjoy running my kayak to the creek, paddling my semi-loop, and running home with it. It gave me a good chuckle, and reminded me how nice it really is.

No car, no car loading, no parking, no security measures, no shuttle concerns, no car unloading…it’s either running or paddling, and just a few minutes dealing with the cart. Anytime you can take out the “going somewhere to” (run, bike, kayak, walk, etc.), it really is a wonderful time and effort and stress-saving thing. That’s assuming you want to do the running part as part of your activity and exercise.

yes, that is a luxury
I used to live right on a lake. It was a crappy little lake but in a chain of larger lakes. It was so nice just going from house to launch and back, without loading and unloading a car.