You have a lot of nice boats. Ours has tangerine deck, white (smoke) hull, and black trim. Not our favorite colors - but pretty visible on the water.
Looks great. Enjoy.
Thanks. Thanks also for all of your helpful replies.
What kind of dog takes center seat? Post pictures with him in kayak if you can.
A Chesapeake Bay Retriever. I will post a pic of her in there. She hasn’t been in a boat yet - we plan to acclimate her to it over the next month or so. Will try to take her out on Lake Erie in mid-October.
Nice. What material covers the edges of the cutouts that you slide your boat along?
What brand are the deck-top bags that you have for each paddler? Where do you typically buy things like that and the retaining cords that I see in your photo?
An unrelated question: The large center hatch on our Libra has a soft removable cover under the hard hatch cover. Does yours have that? What is the function of this soft cover? Is it used without or with the hard cover?
Rubber dock edging.
One deck bag is Seals it is the rear one. The front one is Northwater it is a bit less tapered got a little more room. Northwater deck bag nose unraveled but I put super glue on it. Seals is nice made in USA. One of the zipper pulls on the Northwater broke when fairly new but other pull still works. I do rinse and lube zippers.
The center hatch cover is neoprene mean the keep out water and create a seal below hard hatch. You need to keep hard hatch on with any kind of rough water. That said Libra takes a lot of big water without near anything on the decks. Original cover was still with my 99 Libra XT but shot. Seals made a new one for good price as good as OEM.
Lines I made up. Better to not have line pass cockpit when on the water for easier entry. Helps when tying to dock. Others I had to add to hold deck bags as straps they come with are just to short for a boat this wide. The white for deck line helps me pull Libra XT up on the dock. Still trying to get it to work better. Thicker rope would be easier on my hands. Rolling hitch knot slips because boats so heavy. I get away with it on my other 50 lb. kayaks. Knot can slide with synthetic ropes. Will do a non sliding knot soon. Tide swings are plus 8" above bulkhead to floating dock to 4’ below bulkhead so getting it out can be but if work. Little gear and it’s 100 lb. plus. Usually don’t remove deck bags until it’s up.
Great idea - beach balls. What is the protective strip along your keel-line (permanent or just for dock use)? Thanks for all of the useful info (with pictures) - we really appreciate it!
Cool. We’ll check that out. Thanks again.
He sells it on eBay. Need heat gun to install it not hair dryer not hot enough.