Safe route?

Hi, I’m new person here and to kayaking. Quick question. Has anyone kayaked/canoed from Lewiston saddocks to Youngstown? Is it ok?something to watch out for? I plan on staying close to shore. I,'ve been in a fishing boat and went by art park, didn’t like the turbulence. Thanks.

what state or country and what is a saddock.

Sounds like Lewiston NY to Youngstown NY. While I never kayaker the lower river I did have a boat docked along it for a number of years. The current can be very strange where near the shore it some times goes upstream.
Sounds like you are planning on launching from Lewiston and landing at fort Niagara. I remember hat Lewiston at one time was looking at requiring a launch fee for kayaks that was on par or higher than the fee for boats.
The route is possible, I would not try in a rec boat as there is not a shoreline to land at along much of the river and there is no public access between Lewiston and Youngstown except a fishing dock at Joseph Davis park. This dock was completely railings so no docking. There was a launch there years ago.

Thank you for your reply. I’m still looking into doing this but want to make sure it’s reasonablely safe. :wink: