Safety & Sponsons Revisited 2 ideas???

it is possible
It is possible to roll them, but, yes harder. It takes a sweep, torso twist strong roll to do it. It is another concern about using them. Ostensibly the injured sick person would not be able to roll anyhow, including the solo paddler. There are roll techniques that allow for injuries and being ill, but even so, repeatedly going over can undo even those.

Bottom line, l and many here know that no piece of equipment is a magic bullet.

So I guess I just like smartasses then, particularly when taking that approach cuts to the chase. At least it beats posting about how others are posting…

BTW - When you take the thread as a whole, it IS discussion (so no such responsibility to ensure that exists individually).

Scenario driven
You can spin it mentally all sorts of ways (just like the “best” kayak for “X” stuff), but odds are in real world things will not likely materialize in quite those ways…

More likely, if you have them you’ll be more likely to find a way to try to MAKE them work in that situation. If you don’t have them you’ll MAKE something else work. Adapt and overcome/whatever works/etc.

Biggest downside I see (beyond the general hassle of them) would be if you somehow felt compelled to use then in situations where they were not the best choice and where using them introduced more complications/issues/lost time. Examples have already been given, such as wasting time setting them up to try to save the day yourself when things were really serious and you should be on the radio…

Serious open sea “kayak”
Serious open sea “kayak” (pix)

The TRANS TASMAN KAYAK “crossing the ditch” EXPEDITION

…although I have heard that their on-board Jacuzzi never heated up properly.

realistic scenarios
I would not want to attempt strapping on these things in the conditions that people are likely to need them. Just from a learning experience I’d suggest trying them out. I’ve never used them and have helped to set them up on a friends kayak.

It seems to me that it’s a product looking to address worst case scenarios for people who have gone through a series of decision branches that could have prevented the worst case scenario.

I’d consider it as a stability aid for non-rescue situations before I’d think of it as a rescue aid because it’s skills, fitness and judgement that will make a rescue successful. I used paddle floats a lot for snacking out on the open bay so I could stretch my legs outside the cockpit or take a leak.

It makes more sense to paddle an efficient wide round bottomed kayak than a tippy one that exceeds your reflexive bracing skills in rough conditions.

Massive perspective
Equipment can lure us into over rating our skiils and safety.

Great thread learned allot

As seamen say if u spend time on the ocean u become religious.

Why. Because u learn to pray it will let u come home.

If you do buy sponsons…
…I strongly suggest that you don’t buy Sea Wings. That sick, whackjob Tim Ingram is nothing but a fear monger who openly exploits the deaths of children for his own profit. I can’t think of anyone in the kayaking business who’s less deserving of our money.

verily true
yep, there is something very very very wrong with him, possibly genuine mental illness, to be compassionate about it.

He has even taken quotes from many of our kayak mentors and exaggerated and distorted them to prove his points.

too bad really, as at the beginning friends of mine told me he was actually helping raise awareness about better safety for children in canoes in cold waters. But then, oh my.

Safety and Sponsons


Please read and see any judge, jury, or any 10 year old kids rescue themselves within 5 seconds. It is pretty simple.

Most of you do not want any neighbours or their children to be hurt. Some bullies however believe that canoes and kayaks are so complicated as to be always deadly, forgetting sponson crossings of Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

No bully can rescue theirself in 5 seconds with 50 cent sponsons like any 10 year old child, nor rescue other victims in the water:

Take care. Thanks, Tim Ingram