Sawyer Oscoda Raider Canoe - Need Advice

Hi. New guy here :slight_smile: Looking to buy a used canoe. Usage is: 2-4 night river trips, class I to II rapids, and tandem. I have 7 trips with this experience, but looking to finally get my own canoe.

I have an opportunity to purchase a Sawyer Oscoda Raider canoe (16ft) for $400. I tried searching for details about it - but didn’t have any luck. Seems the manufacture is no longer in business. Please see the pictures. It is like a 2hr drive to pick it up, so want to make sure its worthwhile.

Do you think it fits my needs?
Is the price fair?

Appreciate any info you can provide.

I’m a kayaker who knows nothing about canoes, but because it was built in Oscoda, MI, got curious. And found this thread:

Sure wish I could find a used 16-foot kayak for $400!

Nice find - thank you much!

the Oscodas were Sawyers budget line. I doubt that it cost $400 new many years ago.

This is a royalex hull very similar to a Mad River with a shallow Vee bottom. For $400 its a good deal. I don’t think Sawyer molded the hull. It will serve you purpose better than any new hull at this price.

Thanks Plaidpaddler - I went to a Wenonah dealer this weekend and learned quite a lot. Would love to get a new Prospector 16 - but that’s almost a $2000 price difference versus this used Oscada. Any idea what the rocker on this is? From the pics it seems it has a bit of a rocker but kind of hard to tell. The owners seem to know very little about it.