Mistakenly thought Santa Cruz Paddlefest was defunct. Came across this article while googling for info on Infinity Stinger waveski. Apparently, SC Paddlefest just hit its 30 year anniversary. Informative historical article on a subset of surf culture:
@Chuck von Yamashita said:
Hey Sing, Coming to Boston late August for birth of granddaughter
I am on vacation on the last two weeks of August but will be traveling around a bit. When are you coming in? If our schedule matches, let’s get together for a pedal, paddle and/or lunch.
Hey Sing: Are you ordering a custom stinger? I thought Infinity had pretty much gone out of the waveski business, they are really big into SUP surf boards. I visited their “factory” above Camp Pendelton a few years ago, and it was full of SUPs, not a waveski in sight. I bought my stinger in 2010 and have not bought another ski since. I like mine a lot, Steve B. set up custom specs for me, I think it is 8’4", a lot shorter than the surftech ones, I think I was surfing it last time you were out this way.
@SeaDart said:
Hey Sing: Are you ordering a custom stinger? I thought Infinity had pretty much gone out of the waveski business, they are really big into SUP surf boards. I visited their “factory” above Camp Pendelton a few years ago, and it was full of SUPs, not a waveski in sight. I bought my stinger in 2010 and have not bought another ski since. I like mine a lot, Steve B. set up custom specs for me, I think it is 8’4", a lot shorter than the surftech ones, I think I was surfing it last time you were out this way.
Yeah… Couldn’t figure out what was going on with SurfTech/Infinity waveskis. I tried googling and finally went with contacting Infinity Surf at its (limited function) website and got in touch with Steve Boehne. Working on a getting a longboard Stinger to replace my Island longboard waveski (over 10 years old with multiple repaired dings).
I thought briefly on getting a SUP but decided the lack of an ACL and partial meniscus dictate discretion to preserve what I still have.
Ole surf dudes “don’t rule.” We just want to groove on mellow rides.