Scam alert

I recently had someone try to scam me using this website. His email is
Advice if you are suspicious, it’s a scam you are probably right. One of the first signs is they become very vague about details of how the transaction is to be handled and they want you to do more than just sell them the item. I have reported this the FTC and the FBI. If you are a victim, please report it.

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Those of us who have been selling on various sites know by now that if an alleged buyer uses an email that is a somewhat common, ethnically “neutral” first and last name followed by a 2 to 4 digit number, 99% of the time it is a scammer with a fake ID.

The FTC and FBI simply do not have the resources nor interest in pursuing the billions of these phishing and theft scams so it is a waste of your time to try to forward them to those agencies. Just learn from your exposure to one to recognize the signs – all follow a similar pattern including being vague about their actual location, not being able to provide a local phone number, claiming to be “out of the country so my agent will pick it up”, not seeming to know details of the item they claim to want to buy, wanting to pay with a “cashiers check” (these are always counterfeit if you even go that far with them to get one.) But the common pattern of that email format is always my first alert and leads me to immediately challenge anyone who contacts me that way for more details, which always reveal even more clearly that the contact is bogus.

Well im not a scammer…i just rejoined to try to sell my QCC…i was around long ago when pnet was close to their startup…i see there r still some old timers here!

Still trying to sell ny QCC. I have detected 2 or 3 scammers trying to buy it…im truely trying to sell it ! ive been joking that anything i cant fit in my bag, HAS to go!..Even my travel trailer has to go!

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Very helpful, thanks!

I may just give in to all the fees and complicated procedures needed to set up a Abe books account.

I HAVE A KAYAK FOR SALE , AND HAVE HAD FOR OR FIVE SCAMERS . THIS WAS ONE . THE LAST ONE Thomas Jefferson ,go figure . I think management here is lacking . Things went to hell when the dems took control

The forum admins have no obligation to babysit your want ad to detect scammers. That is on you or on any site user to educate yourself and be cautious and ignore the clear signs of attempted fraud. This sort of thing has always been atound and there is no way to stop it other than to take personal responsibilty for being aware of it and simply deleting obvious scammers and screening to eliminate less obvious ones. Several of us have explained how to spot these and how to set up an ad to avoid potential rip offs. This has zero to do with any political siuation and it’s rather naive and petulant to blame it on such.


Yep. All part of an insidious plot to prevent people from selling their stuff on paddle forum. It’s the most direct path to world domination. Now that you’re on to them, no doubt you’ll have to be “disappeared.”


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Scammer previously using curtisjoyner99 is now using michaelwall99 - same “story” as described in other messages for this person, on this site (i.e., out of town, working with military at Fort Carson Army Base in CO, etc). Beware!

Thanx 4 the info! He contacted me…

Me too,
Thank goodness I realized it in time. I relisted it andMichael offerred to buy it again.
Must be a computerized thing to respond to all listings.