Scammers and email address

This question might seem stupid for some people but I have been reading about scams on the threads in this site and have become very worried.I see that you should not give your email address but was wondering what could happen if a hacker doesn’t have access to your email, they just have your email address.I wonder because I think our email address is in a lot of places these days and I am very worried now

So much to worry about today! Personally I don’t worry much. Maybe you get a bunch of spam email? Might depend on your personal life choices. For example, I do not use, and never will use internet and phone financial sites and apps. I don’t have paypal or anything linked to my bank. I would never consider any of the new phone conveniences like where you can pay with your phone at the store, sometimes only requiring waving the phone over another device. My email doesn’t get you far, especially if you can’t access the account, only have the address. I suppose it’s just one more piece of personal info such as your name, physical address. social security number and so forth to build a false representation of you to be used, but I don’t know how the email address really plays in without being able to access it and reply to a verification email?

I know its so much stuff! I personally don’t open any emails even if it is for like what seems a legit “reset your password” whenever Ig et those I go to the specific sites lets say microsoft and do forget password Im really scared of clicking any links from an email I thought I was good and then started reading forums and got a little paranoid back again

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Yes, responding to those sorts of emails can be bad. They will have you “log in” for starters, or ask you to do something. I’ve gotten a series of those at work over the years where the boss says send this here, approve money there type. As for personal ones where “microsoft” or whoever wants you to reset your password or something, the best thing to do is disregard then log into your google, microsoft or whatever account and see if there is something going on. it’s a big deal in business today. Insurers have had a couple required classes on that a couple times.

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Your e-mail may be needed for perfectly valid reasons, but its also a basic part of the spam and malware industries. Giving out your e-mail frequently results in more spam e-mails. You can also get malware e-mails that try to get you to open something that contains a virus. An e-mail may contain an opt-out link that might be legit or might validate your e-mail address as active so they can sell it for more money to spammers.

Many people create “junk” gmail accounts for just this purpose and don’t bother reading the ones from that account.

I don’t even read e-mails from unknown sources, but the sender’s address is easy to spoof so you can’t really tell. I’ve gotten some with comically important-sounding titles, like “IRS audit is imminent unless…” or “Microsoft needs you to validate your password” or “Upgrade needed…”. A bot can send a million of these an hour, so not too many people have to respond to make it worthwhile for the sender.

@Vane9090 is there something specific that you are concerned about?

not really but I have always like I dont know sold things online and I use my email address to get payment through zelle so now that Iw as reading about not giving out email address I got worried

Once you register for an account with there is no other reason to share your email address.
All messages in the message board hide your email address from all other users.

so do people here just do cash transactions even though transactions here go for around the $1000 mark?

I have several email accounts, all with gmail and all “junk” accounts for different forums, including this one. My two personal accounts are only shared with family, business and financial institutions.

I do use a sweet program called MailWasher (free) which is a spam blocker and also allows me to preview email without downloading it, as well as delete it without downloading.

AOL and Verizon Fios have pretty efficient spam filters. I check quarantined emails daily and occasionally find a legitimate email there which I retrieve. Gotten maybe one spam message in the last year that made it to my inbox in Outlook. Somehow my email address got out there and for about 8 months my filters were catching about 50-60 spam emails a day. No sweat, just mark delete all. Whoever was doing it must have been kicked off their server, because now it’s more like 5 a day.

Most mail programs have a way to check the headers or links without opening them. If in doubt, go directly to the source, either the official company web site or by phone. Never click a link or answer an email if there is the slightest doubt. If an email says that a password needs to be changed or your account has a problem or been frozen, try logging directly into it. If you get in, there is no problem. No legitimate company will ever contact you and ask for protected information like passwords or account information. They already have that. The IRS will only use email if they already have a prior relationship with you, like during an audit and will only use it for things like setting up meetings.

There are millions of ways to legitimately get your email address. There are sites that will do it for a fee. It can be an irritation, but not all that worth worrying about unless they are sending out spam and spoofing your name and email address.

I pay cash, send a check or whatever works. I simply don’t have any of those services that link to my bank account.
It’s bad enough that over the years I’ve gotten a few letters from places like home depot where I used my debit card saying their system that records transactions and credit card data got hacked and I should get a replacement card.

thank you dcowell, i thought it wes just me!

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For online transactions I use a credit card and only on sites I trust and have contacted directly. With a major credit card you are well protected against unauthorized transactions. I don’t own a debit card and do not want one. These are less well protected and directly tied to you bank account. Most credit cards have a spending limit and banks monitor for suspicious activity. With major banks you can manually set different types of limits and alerts. I call my bank before I make an unusually large purchase or travel out of town.

If there is a hack of a business that you have done business with and your card may have been exposed, your bank will ordinarily notify you and send out a new card at no cost. A reputable company will also notify you and if other information is exposed will often pay for a period of free credit monitoring.

Want a boat I’m selling? Bring cash when you or your representative comes to pick up the boat. I don’t negotiate lowering pricesin a parking lot. I’ll drive away and leave you standing by yourself.
When I buy a boat; I pay in cash.
I do not deal with money orders, cashier’s check, shipping companies. Bring cash or don’t bother me. Never scammed anyone, never got scammed. I have bought or sold about 40 boats in the last 15 years.

Don’t have a debit card. I may negotiate a purchase on line, but buy/sell is always in person. The amount of cash I’ll be carrying to buy a boat is not worth getting shot.

Have one credit card; paid off monthly, don’t carry a balance. Easy to see any unusual charge. I’ve never paid for anything I didn’t personally buy. The one time someone tried to use my card number info., the credit card company called me and asked my about an attempt to buy some tools in Tennessee; I live in Missouri. The charge was rejected, and I had a new card a week later.

If you have email, or a credit card; sooner or later you will get sent a scam deal. Generally speaking; anyone you purchase anything from is selling info. about you.

Might want to remember that when you’re in your car, in the Starbucks drive thru, and have your credit card ready.

Use common sense…


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And who needs Starbucks?
I’m with you
My hubby gets notified of every purchase made on our cc account
Makes it hard to surprise him!

I never respond to those; instead I forward them to “abuse@(name of company)”.

I’d use the same precautions you would use for any transaction with an unknown party.

  • If it’s too good to be true, it likely is.
  • Anything involving a Nigerian prince is intriguing but a scam.
  • Face-to-face is best
  • Third-party payment apps (paypal, cash app, venmo, etc.) are valid systems and have their own protections.
  • :moneybag: is always king

Venmo, while valid, does not approve of using its services for high risk transactions:

“DO NOT USE VENMO TO TRANSACT WITH PEOPLE YOU DON’T PERSONALLY KNOW, ESPECIALLY IF THE TRANSACTION INVOLVES THE PURCHASE OR SALE OF A GOOD OR SERVICE (for example, concert tickets, electronic equipment, sneakers, a watch, or other merchandise). These transactions are potentially high risk, are not allowed under Venmo’s User Agreement, and Venmo does not have a protection program for such transactions unless directly offered”

Can I use Venmo to buy or sell merchandise, goods, or services? – Venmo.

Zelle, PayPal, wire transfers, and cash are all acceptable to many people.

If you look at any watch forums, where sales are very often $5k+, these are all normal. At $10k+, wire transfers tend to become the norm