Scorpio LV

we are anxiously awaiting the LV Scorpios - 3 left the UK last week - so we’ll have to paddle at the West Coast Symposium (3 weeks) - see you there…

Actually - i think Ben will be there - i’m headin to texas.


P&H - Asheville NC

I wonder if Kelly will be able to get his mitts on one :slight_smile:

Dorothy & I have dibs on some seat time in one of them!

See you next week.


The River Connection, Inc.

Hyde Park, NY

dimensions? NM

Jim, when and where in Tx ?
Is there some a demo or event that you will be attending? I am down in Corpus Christi and would be interested in knowing about anything going on.

If you are going to be anywhere near Corpus and want some paddling company please e-mail me. I have an extra kayak (and access to a couple of others) if you are just visiting without yaks.


A buddy in the club (FSKA) just bought the Scorpio. He loves it. It looks like a great boat…even made to accept a rudder? It is a British boat isn’t it? (kidding, couldn’t help myself!)

I thought Big Ben’s territory was the Northeast US?

Hope you sell lots of boats!


Been Looking at this one and sighing…
If only I could buy another boat right now…

Here is a link:

RM version of the Cetus.

(wish I could) See You On The Water (from the cockpit of a Scorpio),


Looks like we’ll be in Corpus Cristi first week of october - stopping along the whole coast over that week. will have a scorpio with us - both sizes prob…

Bad timing !
Unfortunately I am supposed to be on my way to the Ozark Rendevous in Missouri that week. After 17 years in sea-kayaks I decided to learn about canoeing.

If I can help you with any planning or get you hooked up with some other local paddlers please e-mail me or call at 361-774-0409.

You can see some pictures and trip reports of the area at

I also have pictures of the area at

Hope you have a nice trip. If it looks like I will be in town around that time I will let you know.


Will Kelly “Paddle” Blades be
at the West Coast Symposium? If he is, I’m going.

Warning: It can be hazardous to your health to drive Kelly and his Ukelele to the put in because you will inevitably end up with tears in your eyes from laughing so hard at his homespun lyrics. Consider yourselves warned.

Duke of Detroit
Keeping blades on ice -

I think he’ll be surfacing at Gauley fest - WV same weekend as West Coast. Putting on one of his many hats -