Sea Kayaker Spring 1998

I am researching the life of Audrey Sutherland, the kayaker, and I believe there is a profile of her written by Linda Daniel in your Spring 1998 issue. I am based in London and don’t think I can get hold of it here. Does anyone have a digital version of the profile you could send me?

Many thanks,



Hi Heny - I just sent you a message - let me know if you don’t receive it…

Got it and replied thanks!

I’m sure I have it so let me know if you need it still

Darkstar - I probably won’t be able to dig out my copy for a couple of days, if you have it readily available…

Just to close the loop on this post for anyone who stumbles across it in the future:

The article is called Go Simple, Go Solo, Go Now – Audrey Sutherland by Linda Daniel. It was published in the Spring 1988 issue of Sea Kayaker, Vol 4, No 4, p 14.