Sea kayaking and the current state of affairs

I base my friendships on character and actions. Most beliefs are not a major part of that equation.

I try to be tolerant of others and respectful. I also expect the same in return.


You can judge a person most accurately by the groups of people that hate or oppose him far better then by those that love and embrace him.

To be hated by those that love evil, or who refuse to think for themselves is an honor, not a mark of shame.

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As well as empathy and tolerance.

Appreciate others for the positive attributes and overlook the negative, otherwise you’d only end up making.excused for your own shortcomings.


To get back to your original questions…

  • I’ve both self-taught and had lots of instructions, plus have instructed many myself. There is no question that you can eventually teach yourself, but you’ll progress much faster, avoid blind alleys, and avoid ingraining poor habits by getting competent instruction early on. Certifications aren’t everything, but someone who has passed the ACA instructor or UK Paddling coach criteria has at least demonstrated competence to someone else who is competent.
  • Social media posts are one thing; actual instruction is something else. I’ve seen plenty of “political” or “ideological” on-line commenting by friends & acquaintances who are superb instructors. I’ve never seen them introduce it into their real-life in-person instruction–there isn’t time for it.
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Let me ask you a question, is no instruction better then bad instruction?

I doubt that could be answered. If you get bad instruction it’s then too late to get no instruction, so there is not a way to make a comparison.

Unfortunately, I have chosen to simply mute a few of the ACA instructors on social media due to their endless political rhetoric and one-sided thinking. No big loss though as I am confident that I will find the right person or group, whether certified or not to build my paddling skills this year.

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I find it interesting you won’t just come out and say what this rhetoric is. Is it really that polarized?

yeah, this puzzles me too. I’ve been getting kayak coaching from various people for over 12 years, including from ACA and BCC certified instructors in both structured and unstructured settings. I don’t remember any one of them ever bringing up political discussions or “rhetoric”, even when we were socializing after training or outings. Some had strong opinions on specific aspects of paddling but i simply weighed their particular viewpoints against those I heard from others or my own experience – it didn’t "offend me.’

Makes me wonder if the one complaining is the one that is actually bringing up those topics himself and then grousing that others voiced opposing views on them. (BTW, that is the definition of “trolling”).


Wow, there’s a lot going on in here. I learned how to brace and roll pretty much on my own or with friends who didn’t know either, at the time.

I’m not going to say shut your ears or your mouth but I will say something that helped me out. Once you’re upside down under water, relax! Catch yourself and figure out where you’re at before you sweep. I wear contacts, so I had to wear swim goggles when learning, it helped me to see what I was doing.

As mentioned, plenty of videos of you choose to avoid an instructor.

Good luck, let it rip!

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