Securing Pump inside Kayak???

The Mag-Light clip doesn’t fit the
Wilderness Systems pump, but it fits all the other hand-held pumps I’ve seen.


– Last Updated: Aug-09-06 6:05 AM EST –

I found a place online that sells those maglight clips and ordered a set for both my boats. I think it looks like a good idea.

I am not sure if they will mount the pump far enough away from the boat to provide space for the pump float. Maybe that is why I need to mount them on blocks of wood.

The electric pump and foot pumps look good, but would add weight and expense. I really don't anticipate ever having to use my pump (having a solid roll and never having capsized other than a couple of times in surfing sessions) is just there as a safety precaution just in case.

Incidentally, in my search I did find that NRS sells some eyelets which I plan to glue on the inside of my boat to add bungee cord for a water bottle holder. This will make a good backup for the pump in the event that the maglight clips don't work for me.


Another solution
I’m surprised this has not been mentioned - so here goes. I have only seen this but have not adopted it.

For those who use several inch thick foam instead of foot pedals, glue some extra thickness of foam onto the block on the superior aspect in the midline. Then hollow out a core of sufficient diameter to snugly hold the pump in place just under the deck.

The advantage is you won’t risk kicking away your D rings, bungies, or other glued in holder apparatus on a wet re-entry.


Sure, but they START at $200!
Nice idea, but way too expensive.

how are you? you heading out with the rest of the wrecking crew this weekend?

Feeling a lot better…looks like I have some life in me yet. I’m feeling strong enough to give it a shot on Saturday. If the NW wind holds up could be a very big day on the flood at The Race. Will we see you?

BTW, you might want to update your profile. Intermediate? If you are an intermendiate paddler then I am a notch or two below rank novice. Really hope you can make at least one of the spring tide weekends.


glad to hear
we were thinking about you up this way - glad to hear you are feeling better!

this weekend is up in the air…popham should be running pretty good and might have a bit of bump too…it’s a matter of heading down or heading up. we’ll know better by friday and i’ll give greg a call and let him know whether to expect to see us.

best to everyone down that way if you don’t see me this weekend!