security on a long haul

Planning a trip down the Arkansas river from Tulsa, Ok to New Orleans. Worried about how to secure my kayak when sleeping, restocking supplies or walking around any of the towns along the way, especially New Orleans. I’ve watched a few videos that involve drilling new drain holes and then feeding a flimsy looking cable lock through it and using that to secure the kayak to something but I’m not sold on that idea. Was wondering if there is a better, more secure way.

look at the Lasso Lock NM

What security?
Cables, chains, locks etc. won’t deter crooks if they really want your stuff. There is nothing that can’t be cut in seconds with a battery operated cutting tool.

In today’s world, there are some things you just can’t do if security is a priority.

you are more or less local so …

we read accounts where…‘I left the boat on beach/public park* walked to store’…over and over with few ‘reported’ thefts n vandalisms.

Our experience from California/Oregon/Washington/urban Texas prob CO/Florida…is leaving anything unattended by a fellow traveler is theft for the first person along.

Best deal is using a set of wheels, marking safe parking on the GPS…n dragging the rig there not leaving it on the beach.

or using marina services n paying for that.

Google Maps quickly gives landings to shopping then GPS coordinates clicking the landing/store clicking the offered coordinates hyperlink then appearing into the directions box on left for further routing.

use Google Images and Maps street view for quality assurance.

generally not much of an issue
generally, not much of an issue. Boats are hard to steal - usually requiring a vehicle able to carry it. Stuff inside is easier to steal, so carry (or hide) valuables.

Never had a worry where I was camping. Generally it is in an area where no one is at (side of river with no easy access), or at an official campsite. Either case, pretty safe. But do pull the boat up and leave it in such a way that it couldn’t be quickly launched.

For restock stops, we chose a place where the boat is likely safe for a while, and leave it out of the way (and once again, in a way that it couldn’t be quickly launched). Often you cans top at marinas and get permission to leave it off on a side dock. Or paddling outfitters with dock access are happy to have you visit (we’ve even gotten access to showers at one).

If I was stopping just at a launch ramp, I would try to put the boat out of sight.

Not all is hopeless
A cable and lock will deter the thief without tools, the opportunistic thief who happens upon untethered gear.

One option might be to mount a stainless steel dring on the deck of the kayak, behind the seat , but not in the hatch area so leaks aren’t an issue… Cable and lock will keep the honest guy honest, the determined guy will still get it.

Boats do get stolen.
Two got stolen over night at one canoe rendezvous a few years ago - both carbon and high dollar.

Another story that I read on of a guy taking a hike after paddling and watching - from the other side of the lake - a truck pull up next to his, transfer the boat to their truck and take off. All while he watched helplessly.


– Last Updated: Jun-13-16 1:18 PM EST –

device in the kayak. They would never expect it. Like they place on dogs. Then add a decal of .45 caliber on deck. Some NRA sticker too!

steel mesh?
Some years ago thieves (probably young kids whom we had seen loitering nearby) rifled through our kayaks which we had parked on a dock along the Housatonic river while having dinner at a nearby shoreline restaurant. I only lost a hat but my companion lost about $300 worth of fishing equipment including a rod and reel he had just purchased the day before. Since then I have felt very uncomfortable leaving boats and gear unattended. One item I have considered either buying or fabricating is a version of the flexible steel mesh overbags that are sold to trekkers for securing backpacks:

I think you could make a similar net that could be cable locked around a cockpit and then linked to chain or cable secured to an immoveable object or rack. Or maybe a custom sized Kevlar reinforced fabric cockpit cover with a double looped cable (instead of elastic) that could be padlocked around the coaming.

This would work…