Seda Ikkuma, need reviews

I’m considring driving up to Seattle this weekend to test the Ikkumma( no Seda dealers in the Portland area) The Seda website shows a cockpit size that should fit a 6’2" 190lb, size 12 # footed paddler but I’ve heard from two sources that the thigh flanges .make it a tight fit for many. I;m long legged but do not posess large thighs, I would love to hear some feedback from folks who more knowledge/familiarity with this boat?

I demoed it last week. The cockpit was a little bit small for my taste, although it may fit you. I’m 6’6" and have a size 12 foot.

thanks guys!
Eric, Mark, thanks for the feedback. For comparison sake, have either of you demoed the new Eddyline Fathom, the Explorer( not HV) or the Chatam 17( these are boats that have cockpits that fit me and all have things I like( although they are all somewhat different from each other)?

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