If it were me…
I would list all the boats that would fit on the patio.
Eliminate those that were not designed to go where you want.
List the LWL(length at the waterline) Pick the longest 10… this will give you speed. Many times a shorter boat will have a longer LWL.
The width will not vary that much in that size boat as it is needed for carrying capacity.
Give a little plus for weight.
Now take your short list and try as many as you can…
Take-Apart NDK?
Doesn’t one of the british boat builders, I think NDK, make a expedition boat that comes apart at the bulkheads in to 3 pieces?
priorities all mixed up
you need to have the kayak inside and move furniture outside.
Coasters Are Hard To Get In NORCAL!
You will need to get in long line to find a used Coaster around NORCAL, and be prepared to pay almost new price. John Lull made them very popular here. One of the most sought after used boats.
good suggestion…
I have already been looking and went out to measure again, I actually could get away with a 15 foot boat. So you don’t think a 15’ 24" wide boat will be faster than a 21-22 wide boat?
Does it make a difference in that length.
I have seen some of the boats recommended and notice the ones I like don’t have front bulkhead. If the kayak has a rear bulkhead do I still need the float bags up front?
John’s legacy
To quote John Lull from http://www.marinerkayaks.com/mkhtml/Testimow.html :
“Although I haven’t used the Coaster on an extended voyage, I have used it for several overnighters and found that a substantial amount of gear could be stored… For anyone with backpacking experience and a travel-light attitude, there is no reason this boat couldn’t be used for longer trips. It would be a definite asset wherever surf is encountered.”
Float Bag still needed
I have two mariners (Mariner II and Coaster). Even with a rear bulkhead (and no front bulkhead) you need a front flotation bag. Could be a bad situation in an emergency, if the front of a boat without a front bulkhead filled up with water.
VCP Sectional Kayaks
If cost is not a major factor in selecting a kayak, I recommend that you test paddle a VCP Nordkapp H2O, VCP Aquanaut, or VCP Argonaut sectional kayak. All are longer than 17 feet and relatively fast.
what do you think these go for…
If it’s over 2000.00 it’s not in my budget.
Cost of VCP sectional kayaks
Last I knew the cost of a new, (non-sectional) VCP Nordkapp, Aquanaut, or Argonaut was roughly $2,850, made of fiberglass/diolene/polyester resin. I suspect the sectional versions of those kayaks would cost even more.
You may want to checkout the P&H Orca 14 and the Prijon Calabria. Both are within your specified length and price range. They’d be fun boats, but I wouldn’t like kayak camping for three nights using either of those two kayaks.