Shrimping from kayak????

This is possibly a stupid question but I was curious if it is feasible. Does anyone catch shrimp from a kayak? Either by cast net or by a seine? and is it legal to do so?

Would like to know process/procedure (if possible).

Go easy on me.

I’ve caught shrimp by cast net, more
as a by catch when casting for bait. Don’t believe its the most productive method of shrimping. Not sure about a seine, seems it would take at least two to work it. My experience shrimping from a motor boat tells me that I’d rather pay the price for shrimp to eat or bait. Its a lot of hard work.

I can stand up and throw a 6 foot net from a standard canoe 36 inches wide or more. In anything smaller it would be really hard.

My most succ3essful shrimping has been from the canoe near the grass flats around the full moons of June and July. It is hard work but getting and eating the shrimp is fun and tasty.