"Similar Kayaks for you"

Paddling.com has a review area where a wide variety of kayaks are discussed. One quickly learns which reviewers are worth reading, but that’s not my point here. I recently looked at the reviews for Valley’s Anas Acuta, a rather nice set of discussions. At the end of those reviews is a tail end which is entitled “Similar Kayaks for You:” The word “Similar” is totally bizarre; the listed kayaks are not remotely similar to the Anas Acuta. I’ve seen this strangeness in looking at other kayak reviews for this truly off kilter tail end. The editors of the web site should correct this. For example, just changing the tail end title to “Kayaks quite different from this one” would be more accurate.


You’ve no doubt noticed Amazon’s recommendations that show up in your inbox and at the bottom of searches. As the e-commerce leader they’ve managed to redefine “similar”. As far as I can tell it now means “stuff that sellers pay us to put here”.