I am 58 and have a sit on top but it is sort of heavy. I am thinking about getting an Epic GPX that is light but pricey. will it be a big change and worth it? thanks so much-Gary
Where exactly do you paddle in Socal?
Pretty pricey for a 12 ft low performance boat. What SOT are you replacing?
There are not so heavy SOTs that work well on the Ocean for 1/4 the price.
I have a wilderness kaos that would work well in the surf but it not easy to paddle in a harbor or lake. We go to the Oceanside harbor and a few local lagoons. Easy stuff but if we go farther I think the Epix GPX would be better-Thanks, Gary
I probably live very close by
I started paddling kayaks in the same spots. Seems like a pretty pricey boat for what you want to do. Also if you venture on the open coast you will need to learn to roll and do re-entries. A longer boat would be better for that.
For sit on tops the Cobra-revision might be good for what you do, but’s it weighs about 50 pounds. Low coast fun boat for our coastal area.
Hunt Johnson moved from Hawaii to Encinitas and lives just off of Vulcan Avenue. He makes high performance sit on tops that are good for surfing and paddling. One is called the Wave Witch it’s 12.5 ft and weighs about 30 lbs, costs about $1500, it’s fiberglass and a very good design. It’s a bit tippy for inexperienced paddlers. I would give him a call and see if you can demo a boat…
V-8 if you wnat to stay on a sit on top
You could consider an Epic V-8 if you want a lighter boat, better performance, and stay with a sit on top.
sit on top
I second the idea of the Epic v8 - it’s a great design, light, and you’ll have a ball paddling it. I know quite a few guys older than you who easily manage remounts in similar boats. You’d also love the ease of lifting it onto your car. My own experience with Epic products has been outstanding. Another option would be the Think Fit - light, safe, and fun.
I see SOT
for HOT Summer trips where i want t osit in a pool of clear water.
Or being on the ocean where I can do a wet-entry easily.
Weight is not a big concern for me (so long as it is under 60#).