Hi all
Ive just commenced kayaking as a hobby and have just bought a Dagger Redline. When i tried it out the other day on a lake i could not get a good seating position in the kayak and it kept imducing me to sit back in the boat. I know this is not the best paddling position and i should be sat upright.
At the back of the kayak is a buckled “sling” that i guess i adjust but i am not sure how. Has anyone got a dagger and can advice? do i undo the buckle or keep it buckled? should i have it loose to help me pull my backside back or tight to force me forward?
I have already identified i need to lose some weight (i am 40 yrs old with a barrel rather than a six pack!). Can anyone suggest?
I have a Redline
And the stock backband is completely inadequate. Ideally the back band should support you when you lean back beyond vertical. Otherwise you should be erect or leaning slightly forward without help from the backband. You are correct that you should not be leaning back when paddling normally and I know from experience that if you do in the Redline you will easily be flipped by the current. Replace the backband.
That "sling" thing is a "backband".
Keep in mind that, in normal paddling, you don't sit in a kayak like you do in a chair with a back.
It takes a bit of time, but you should be sitting up straight (or with a little bit of forward lean). In this position, you'll have very little pressure on the back band. Sitting in a kayak is more like sitting on a stool (with no back). It takes a bit of conditioning to be able to sit this way for a long time. Sitting up straight will reduce the amount of effort needed.
You should be able to paddle normally (on flat water) without the back band.
It's common for people starting out to lean back into whatever support there is in the kayak but you don't want to do this.
thanks for the advice
atleast it confirms that it is not all down to my poor physique. i think i will try fitting one of the Immersion Research Flex Capacitor Backbands and concentrate on some tummy tucks
Make sure you’re sitting with your butt
as far back in the seat as possible and that your foot pegs are close enough. Both of these things encourage good posture rather than slouching.