skid plates, need advice

OK! So I’ve got a new Old Town canoe that I purchased. Recently I decided that before I start to use my canoe on a regular basis, I would like to put skid plates on it. I bought a set on EBAY for a reasonable price, but I have to get the glue/gelcoat for it seperate. Old Town has the kit designed for their products but it seems a little high priced to me. My question to you guys is, Do I have to use a specific brand that is designed for my canoe, or can I use other brands? Is this something that requires alot of time or knowledge? I would greatly appreciate any feedback.

Don’t Do It Yet

– Last Updated: Jan-28-08 4:56 PM EST –

Wait until the outer layer of royalex on your canoe starts to wear through. I also live in SE MO and would be more than happy to help you with skid plates WHEN YOU NEED THEM. When you do need it, any brand will do. Putting skid plates on a royalex canoe before there is wear is akin to putting snow tires on in August! BTW, where are you in SE MO? We live in Piedmont. Take care. WW

skid protection

– Last Updated: Jan-28-08 6:17 PM EST –

Hi..just wanted to bring to your attention a product that may be of use to you ..Catalogs like Cabela's sell keel protectors ( keelguard) for F'glass boats. i think it's peel n' stick kind....this may do the job of the kevlar skid plates, which i bought @ $65 for my kayak but never used. it 's something worth looking into but not cheap either. below is a link

after u open the home page ....look @search.." all products" and then type in "keelguard" and hit the "find " button at the top of the page.


– Last Updated: Jan-30-08 2:26 AM EST –

I drive HH on my way to the Current every time I paddle there. Yup, small world! If you want some paddling company AFTER the "New addition" drop me an e-mail. W.Baker and I get out pretty much every week, mostly the Current and St. Francis and especially Sundays and Mondays since I'm off work Sat, Sun, Mon. I typically dedicate Saturdays to spending "Quality time" with my tractor (LOL)! And maybe you could come down to the Rendevous for one day and meet the crew. The Ozark Rendevous folks are some of the best folks you'll ever meet. Take care. WW