I’m interested in possibly purchasing a Snapdragon sprayskirt for my Necky Chatham 18. From the product description the Snapdragon Glacier looks like it may fit my needs. It seems to come in two models, the Glacier Breathable EXP Reinforced and the Glacier Breathable. Has anyone had any experience with these sprayskirts? Which one would be better?
Glacier Breathable
I’ve used this sprayskirt for 6 years. No experience with the reinforced. I’ve been happy with it. Never had a huge wave dump on my lap so I can’t say how it would work in those conditions. That would probably be where the reinforced would come into it’s own.
I paddle 50+ days a year on fresh and salt water, take 2 - 4 week trips on the Canadian Coast. It works fine for me.
Dragon Collar
Have used standard Glacier Breathable for a few years. Excellent skirt. Have never had a problem in waves/surf. Would suggest you look at the Dragon Collar version vs. suspenders. Nice setup,
Skip the suspenders.
vote #2 for snap g trek–best skirt.
Posted by: chodups on May-17-09 3:00 PM (EST)
Skip the suspenders.
Have two
Whether a neo or breathable tunnel is very much your choice - both are fine. If you plan on hauling a lot of boats across your deck you may want the reinforced, but both versions are a great skirt.
Have one for several years…
Like it very much… Just make sure you get the tunnel large enough… to grow into.
If you paddle cold water
and wear a drysuit I would suggest the breathable model. When you dress for cold water temps the breathable tube helps a little when the summer gets warm. I don’t think you can beat the quality of a snapdragon skirt.
skip the suspenders, breathable tube that has enough room to open up and vent in the summer.. it tightens down fine..
my only issue is that the new Valley coming is slightly smaller so it now leaks a little around the combing.. I'm still good for 10-20 rolls before I should sponge out some water..
the regular deck doesn't implode in dumping 4' surf.. the only threat would be dragging other hulls across the deck..
Edit: it might be my polyester shirt under the tunnel that is letting some water in.. not enough to be concerned for now..
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the responses. Looks like I’ll be planning to purchase a Snapdragon Glacier (without the suspenders) at my next visit to the kayak store.
there is no 'better’
there’s just the one you want
both are fine
Glacier EXP
For full disclosure, I’m sponsored by Snapdragon, but it’s by choice. I’m free to use whatever brand I want.
I used the Glacier EXP Breathable Reinforced skirt on my Newfoundland circumnavigation and have nothing but good things to say about it.
On my Iceland circumnavigation I had trouble with sores at the side of my hips from a tight neo skirt due to all the layers that are compressed and can bunch up (drysuit shell, insulation, skirt tunnel). It can create some discomfort after many long days.
The adjustability of the Glacier EXP made that a non-issue and provided comfort. I did roll once in Newfoundland (got sucked backward into a boomer) and the skirt was dry. If I was doing a coast with a lot of dumping surf I’d probably wear a full neoprene skirt (as I did in Iceland), but for most of the touring that I do, I prefer the adjustability and breathability of the EXP.
Greg Stamer
for sharing that Greg. BTW that was a great article on last months edition of SeaKayaker.
I have the glacier reinforced
Every skirt I own is reinforced. If you are going to do any rescues or rescue practice sessions, you need a reinforced skirt. Otherwise you'll rip your skirt up.
I use this skirt frequently and find it is not quite as waterproof as my all neoprene ones, but it is definitely cooler in the summer. For a lot of rolling practice, the all neoprene is better as this will let about a cup or two of water into the cockpit - and it all trickles down your back very slowly.
So all in all, about 90% of the time I use this skirt because it is so comfortable. Like others, I agree about skipping the suspenders.I don't think you can go wrong with either. Just boils down to how often you'll drag a boat across your combing.