Trying to get a feel here for the how this is perceived. I have been working to develop a SOF kit for a while now. (plywood frames) I am trying to decide on the the best method(s) to offer people to assemble the frames. I am a big fan of lashing boats together. I lash mine and really like the feel on the water. The way they flex slightly when hit by big waves.
I am wondering if a first time/new builder is going to be scared of this? My guess is they will be and would be more comfortable squirting glue on the joint and driving in a screw to hold it together. (Of course you can’t just squirt in glue, you would mix up epoxy and some thickening agent.) I have builte that way and really didn’t care for it. But I admit it is quicker than all that lashing.
Lashing has been around for thousands(?) of years and well proven. Just not sure most people wouldn’t be scared of it.
If you're going to do lashings, make up a little teaching subkit for folks to practice on. It can be part of the boat kit, and you could sell it to prospective buyers at cost.
I bought an epoxy trial kit long before I started a stitch & glue project, and made up a couple of test panels that showed how strong the joints would be. That was a huge confidence booster.
I am building a SOF from a kit
It is my first one and I am happy to have the option of glue and screws. If I build a second (or more) I will probably try lashing. But since I don’t have time to spend a week or more at some building clinic it made sense to me to do something easier first.
Great idea!
I like that idea a lot. Not sure how to do it but I will look at this seriously.
How about zip ties? NM
I just completed a frame. I doweled
the stringers to the plywood frame using Elmer’s exterior glue.Since it is for my grandsons,I won’t be able to report on feel.
Resilience For Textured Water = Good.
I think glue/epoxy frame in rougher conditions will mean likelier chance of splitting/splintering. Paddle a pond with your sof, it won’t matter.
Offer both
Why not make it an option at checkout - click here for glue and dowels, clear there for lashing supplies.
Distributed loads = good
Stress concentrations = bad
Gluing makes sense if the final structure is rigid. But if you end up with a flexible structure with rigid joints, you could be creating problems.
I’d think you’d want to use a fairly flexible epoxy if you went that route.
3 year old epoxied joints
My Yost SOF modified Sea Ranger has only epoxied joints and has worked fine for 3 years so far.
Bill H.
Thanks for the input
Some good ideas here and I appreciate the input. Helps me to chose a direction to go.
I have built both ways and there are draw backs to both methods. Bottom line is “IF DONE PROPERLY” both methods work fine. Neither are difficult and anyone could build using either method. It’s really a personal preference.
Me, I would rather not deal with epoxy, be fighting with long stringers and driving screws all at the same time.
I think because it’s so unusual most people will be skeptical or even scared of lashings a boat. A little education might convert a lot but some are never going to buy into it.
Offering both with instructions on how to do both makes the most sense. That is probably what I will do. I am at the stage of writting the manual now. So I will probably expoxy a few joints on this boat I am building, photograph it and write it up. Then lash the rest of the joints.
Makes sense
Also, you might try G/Flex for the epoxy - it has really good flexibility so it might help with the stress concentration issues mentioned above.