Sohlquist Trekker PFD

I just received this PFD and it is an exceptional PFD, the flotation is distributed evenly across the entire front torso, not just in one ball on the stomach, giving it a contoured, streamlined shape, it is front entry and very easy to put on, there are 8, yes 8, adjustment buckles, to give you any fit you want, front zipper zips up even after adjustment, no paddle interference, mesh back, absolutely vivid color (I have the deep red),good arm pit openings, even the front pockets are streamlined.

@rstevens15 mentioned on a thread Stohlquist is going out of business so I checked Amazon to see if there were any discounts. Got this jacket for $85 which normally sells for about $150. There are not many left and sizes might be limited, but if you are looking for this style PFD, order Prime and if you don’t like it, send it right back.


glad you found something you like. Enjoy the water.