Solo Trip Advice

I know its not exactly safe. But I dont always have anyone to go with me. I dont do lakes alone at anytime. I mainly go to the river.
Any advice for going solo?

I solo a lot. I plan well, let someone know where I am and my itinerary. I check in frequently. And I am very careful to know and understand my capabilities and limitations, and I do not exceed them. Everything is safety first.

What kind of river? I paddle alone on a slow river that is typically knee to thigh deep. Biggest safety issue for me is sweepers, just be careful and learn to line up your heading ahead of time before you round an obstacle. Other issue is you can’t shuttle any distance without someone else driving so head upstream first then back.

Lakes aren’t a problem until weather makes it a problem.

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The river I go to is slow going. Can be ankle to overhead, maybe 8 ft deep in a rare spot.
I have kayaked it for a short distance once, canoed it after a storm with my step dad. I swim in it all the time. I was just there yesterday with my family and dog swimming around. It wa waste deep. My dog is the size of a cat. She may be going with me. She loves her adventures!

The problem with solo river tripping, for me at least, is the shuttle. That can be gotten around, of course, if the river is slow enough in the area you plan to paddle to allow upstream paddling. But that means you’ve previously done the section enough to know it in its entirety (and at the levels you’ll be paddling it) before setting out for a solo trip.
If you plan on a trip of any distance, its really a good idea to have places in mind where you could pull off the river in case of an emergency, such as a lightning storm or medical problem.
Paddling upstream for the first half of a solo river paddle is a good idea. Doing the downstream leg first can put you into a situation where you’re tired, or perhaps running out of daylight, and having to do an exhausting and slow upstream slog to get back, perhaps in the dark.
Its a good idea to let someone know where you’ll be paddling.
If you’re planning to solo camp, its not a bad idea to camp somewhere near the take out end of the run in case the weather turns bad on you during the night. Camp higher than is absolutely necessary and tie your boat before going to sleep.
Its pretty much common sense stuff, but it matters a bit more if you’re alone.

Enjoy it.

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Be cautious and have extra safety equipment, and you should be good.

When I paddle solo, I avoid risks. I paddle areas well below my skill level. I also carry ways to reach help (phone in dry bag, VHF radio in areas that I might be able to talk to others, PLB, etc.). I dress more conservatively for the conditions (for example, more likely to have a dry suit on).

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