I’m looking at a used fibreglass Solstice GT in very good condition. I do not know the year but do know that it has the older stern hatch. What would be a fair price?
Depending on the condition, age, etc… $1500-$2000 would probably be a fair price on a used Solstice in good condition.
I’m Told…
… I’m told that year is not as important as condition, unless it ca be determined to be “ancient”. I have also read where a “recently made” Kayak in really nice shape should sell for about 2/3 of it’s list price. Poorer condition, maybe 1/2.
… Time of season makes a difference too. Price over the fall & winter is normally less than spring and summer prices.
… I may not be a lot of help, but it is something for you to start with. I am sure you will get some better feedback soon.
… The GT is a nice boat for straight line touring paddling. Rudder and lean help it turn, but it tracks very well. Handles nice too.
Happy Paddling.
Hmmm seems high
The earlier upper estimate 2000$ seems high for US bucks on a boat that is at least 2 years old (unless it is in superlative condition). For comparison, there is a sale up in Canuck land for a brand new 2004 one for 2999 Canuck bucks.
you may want to
check out the bulkheads in those older models , plst. and foam core will leak after a spell especially depending upon use , which also means loading.
Solstice GT
I just bought a new, never paddled Solstice GTS high volume on ebay for $1950.00…no tax. I would suggest checking there. It might give you an idea for prices and you might see something you like. I have never bought from ebay before but I had a great experience and now a beautiful boat!
Good time to be shopping
Surfing the local shops, I see $1299 - $1599 for used - some gently, others maybe less so. But having been in a few shops recently, the asking price for the new boats is not too far off (ex.: LL Bean in Freeport marked 30% off retail, new GT = $1819). I bought one @ Bean’s last winter that had a chip in the bow & got another $100 off.
Go see your local retailer - make friends & make an offer.
Solstice GTS
Purchased a 1997, fiberglass, high volume on E-Bay for $1200 a few months ago. Problems: small leak in rear bulkhead, perimeter and deck lines needed to be replaced, rear hatch cover seals have needed regluing and there are a few minor dings and weak spots on the gel coat that I have duct-taped. The rudder assembly and all major structural components were in good shape. I got it for minimum bid; pnetters must have been out paddling the week it was posted. I’m very happy with the deal.