Greetings all. After doing some rolling practice the other evening after work - probably 20 or so Pawlata rolls and other mostly successful experiments with the extended paddle position - I found my obliques on the side opposite the roll to be quite sore. That is, in each roll, the left side of the kayak emerged from the water first, and the following day, my right obliques were sore. Is this normal?
If not, is it a problem of conditioning or technique? In the former case, do I need to do more stretching on and off the water, or do I need to hit the weights and develop more strength? I already do side bends and torso rotation exercises twice a week using light weights that I can handle for 30-40 reps per side. Any advice on similar experiences would be most welcome!
Rolling Soreness!!
I too was so sore after my first class on rolling. Since I was already doing a training program I added to leg/hip raises: side bends with a 40# DB, and trunk twisting with a rod/bar across my shoulders. Make sure that your side bends are really deep, i.e., hand below the knee and pull up and over as far as possible. (Full range of motion) Oh, and I did not START with 40pounds! Now, I do the twist sitting on the floor in a “kayak position”. This has made a great difference for the day after a rolling practice session.
By the way, after about 12-15 good rolls I start getting tired and by number 20, they aren’t good anymore! Up to 12-15 rolls I am at 85% success. By the 20th it is down to 30%. I don’t quit when I am tired, because it teaches me what I am doing wrong (Almost always failing to drop the head and lift the knee!). And the poor performance when tired, cautions about staying out in conditions where a roll might be likely!
No soreness
I haven’t had any soreness from rolling, whether 5 or 50 rolls. If it’s good, it feels very easy and fluid. But I’m talking about the version of the sweep roll depicted in the video “The Kayak Roll.” Don’t know if other rolls are all as fluid–I have done a few C-to-C rolls and felt those were not as graceful and could possibly lead to some soreness, though they never did.
What did cause soreness one time in my early days of learning was flubbing a roll and jamming a blade in the shallow bottom trying to muscle up. Bad idea. My shoulder did not like that, and it didn’t work anyway. Quickly taught me NEVER to muscle it again!
Have only gotten sore abs after a couple of intense paddles, not noticeable during the effort but only the next morning when doing my normal 100 sit-ups.
Went to class with Bob Foote
for four hours and was sore for three days. For most folks I’d say drop the weights, roll lots, stretch lots. Your needs and mileage may vary.
I’ve been studying
traditional Pilates for the last few months.
Most pleased with the results. Still use the Soloflex regularly, but the Pilates has done more for my paddling than any other regimen I’ve undertaken.
Probably Stretching And Using
Muscles you’re not used to. Over time, you won’t have that soreness – a combination of “less muscling” the technique and stretching those muscles.
A program of stretches helps. I use the big exercise ball to do torso stretches and rotation, much like what would happen in a roll.