SOT Kayak for Fishing

I am real new to Kayaking and it looks like the sit on top is the type for fishing. I plan on doing river, lake, bay, and ocean fishing but have only one question (for now). The big question is: how do you not fall off the thing? I see people just sitting on lt. What happens if a wave hits you or better yet, a lunker pulls at ya?? Are you strapped in or something???


Easier than it looks
You don’t fall of the thing the same way you don’t fall over when you stand on those little supports you call ‘feet.’

Of course, it’s possible to fall off, just like it’s possible to get thrown from a sit-in kayak. But it takes a LOT to make it happen.

You can get thigh straps, which are straps connected to the kayak at each end and wrap around your knee and thigh, to help keep you on. They’re wonderful.

  • Big D

No Straps

– Last Updated: Jan-03-05 6:57 AM EST –

You sit in a depression in the kayaks hull. Some are deeper than others. Most SOT's are very stable and make excellent fishing platforms. I have taken mine out through surf and been hammered by waves hitting me in the chest without being knocked off. Big lunkers will just give you a great tow. Hang on and enjoy the thrill! Some good fishing models are the WS Tarpon series, Ocean Kayaks Drifter, Scupper Pro and Prowler and the Heritage line of SOT's.

SOT's are not the only kayaks suitable for fishing. I also have a rec/tour sit inside kayak that I find to be much better suited to fishing than a SOT. I prefer it as all my gear is in the cockpit with me. No turning around to get stuff out of a tankwell. I stay drier as does my gear. It's a much faster boat to paddle than my SOT's; meaning I can cover more water easier. A few good fishing SINK's are the WS Pungos, Old Town Loons, Perception's Sundance and I'm sure there are a few more as well.

When you get ready to buy keep in mind that the shorter boats will be slower. I prefer boats at least 12' long. Less than 12' and it's too pokey for me. I typically look at boats in the 14'+ range as they provide ample storage and decent speed.

go DEMO some boats,
it’s as easy as it looks, and get the long boat as mentioned , you’ll always want to go further and carry more gear. have FUN!

My opinion
I’ve got 3 sit inside kayaks that i fish from. There are specific uses and advantages and disadvantages to each. My 9’6" Otter is slow when paddling any kind of distance but is great for float trips on small creeks or rivers as it turns on a dime. My 12’9" Castine is better suited for fishing when some distance is involved. Tracks too well for float trips when many quick turns are req’d. But i must say it probably gets used the most. My 15’3" QCC 400 is mostly just for paddling but i do fish from it occasionally.

My next purchase is a sot. Have not decided which model yet. Still doing research.

I started kayak fishing about 3 years ago and really got hooked. Sold my motorboat. Will probably sell my canoe this spring. I absolutely love fishing from a yak. No better rush than hooking into a large fish and getting towed around the lake or river. Got to say one of the first things i learned about fihing from a kayk is

that you unhook your fish off to the side as to avoid having a fish drop off inside the kayak . I’ve also been able to consolidate all my tackle into one small soft side bag instead of a box that looks like a small travel chest. Have fun.

Paddle on!

Kayakangler has given you good
advice. Heritage yaks should be available to from a dealer in NJ. Are you handy? Can you rig a yak yourself? Check out the forums available and look at the other replies on this board re:

SOT vs. SINK. Good luck.