Get a good PFD
You can mess around with ones that have more mesh to stay cool, but a cheapo PFD is usually significantly less comfortable than a better one. That’s if you plan on wearing it. If you feel the wearing part is optional, jump in the water with a borrowed PFD and try to put it on securely while holding onto a boat and your paddle. Even better, imagine this all has to happen before a roving Great White swims your way. You’ll see.
I wonder if you need something as long as a 230 cm paddle. Werner paddles used to have an onine fit guide on their site - see if it is still there. The one thing I can say is you want one that is as lightweight as you can afford. You change the boat out but keep the paddle.
230 way too long for you
If you are 5’3 stick to a paddle under 210. You will have to learn high angle paddling but with a 230 you are just going to wobble back and forth.
Check out Onno paddles for a better value.
I’m 5’3" and I use an Aquabound Eagle Ray 230cm and Werner Camano 230 cm with my Hurricane Skimmer 128 SOT, and my Hornbeck Blackjack New Tricks canoe.
The rep from whom I bought my Hornbeck suggested an even longer paddle, but the 230 seems about perfect for me and these boats.
I personally do not like small shaft paddles, but you should try both before buying.
I agree with Celia…don’t skimp on the PFD. Get a good one and wear it, especially if you plan to go out in the Gulf. Take a look at the Astral V-eight for comfort and breathability.
I use a 230 Aquabound Stingray carbon with my Skimmer, I’m also 5’3". Works great and is light for the price. You, me, and sissy…we’re no spring chickens. Get the lightest one you can afford.
Liquid Logic
See if you can rent these first. Look at the coupe or the deuce coupe. I have a friend who has a pair of these. Very stable and can carry lots of stuff. If you can spend some money look up . Me and the wife bought a used pair of Outbacks. Great for taking pictures, fishing etc. I love the fact you can peddle as well as paddle. Hobie is one of the best in the business. Hope this helps.
Longer paddle than 230?
Sorry, I don’t care what you are paddling. That’s a really silly idea unless I have your size really wrong.
As to the small shaft, I went from regular size shaft to a smaller shaft. IMO it has allowed me to paddle with a looser grip and still have good control than the larger diameter.
250-260cm is what Hornbeck
suggests on their website for their canoes.
230cm feels fine to me.
“High angle” paddling not obligatory
and is actually not going to move an Ocean kayak any faster (especially when it’s a shorter model like the Venus). They’re wide and they’re a sit on top, and if you’ve got a short torso and attempt to “high-angle” quickly like in a skinny touring boat you are going to either bang the knuckles repeatedly on the sides, or get sore upper arms or shoulders from having to twist around trying to get your hands out far enough to the sides to go up and out. Otherwise you will have to bring your hands closer together on the paddle, and THAT creates a whole 'nother level of discomfort, especially in a pfd with the bulk.
Really, these babies are better thought of as the coolest single-paddle rowboat you will ever take out on the bay somewhere, only you can see where you’re going.
Note to original poster: if you get frustrated with the Venus, the longer model Ocean kayaks can go surprisingly fast for what they are, with a longish paddle, slower cadence, push with the hand opposite side of the blade in the water, as long as you are willing to deal with the heft of the thing storing and transporting it.
RTM Disco is a fine little SOT.
A friend your size has owned everything from rec boats to composite sea kayaks to an Epic V-10 surf ski.
I seldom see her in anything but the Disco.
Really! Check out the RTM Disco
I have about 8 SOTs. Everything from a 9’ OK Frenzy to an 18’ Kevlar racing SOT.
The Disco is 14’ so its faster than most you are looking at. Still only about 45#
I paid about $750 for mine some years ago
Really great for a paddler under about 180#
Down to about 165# myself
You are lucky to live is SW Florida. The Disco is made in France. They come into the US by container load at the Port of Miami. I had to have mine shipped cross Country to California.
I used to live I Tampa, but that was almost 30 years ago…
Paddling Help
OK - I went out on another rental tour … about 2 hours and, luckily, I was the only one who showed up for the tour so the guide could give me lots of pointers.
He watched me paddle (remember, only my second time in a kayak!!) and said my hands were too close together. He said they should be set as wide as the edges of the boat. When I did that, I kept hitting my knuckles on the sides of the kayak. I kept finding I’d unintentionally moved my hands closer together, then had to move them back out. Also, to avoid hitting my knuckles, I was paddling with the paddles so high that I got a lot more water poured on me and my shoulders got way more tired than my first 2-hour paddle. It’s Florida, it’s HOT, and I’m not complaining about getting wet, BUT…when I have a camera with me, I’d probably rather avoid getting my lap drenched.
Some of this may be due to the rental kayak. It was a Native, which he explained was a SINK/SOT combo style. You sit pretty low in it, and the boat was pretty wide. I looked online at the Native site, but didn’t see one quite like this one. It was really kind of like a shallow bath tub. Single wall construction (no enclosed areas) and fairly deep, but it was all open so was more like a SOT.
The seat, which was more like a chair, was very comfortable to sit in. However, it kept me tilted back pretty far and I felt I could have paddled better if I was sitting up straighter. I tried sitting forward without resting on the back at all, but the seat seemed to tilt me back.
One last thing – the Venus 11 I’m looking to buy has molded foot rests instead of adjustable ones. The two kayaks I’ve tried both had adjustable and I actually HATED them both. They hurt my feet. I’ll try to get in a boat with molded ones to see how I like it, but what’s your experience with different types of foot rests?
Meanwhile, I’ll look through your recommendations on paddles (and other things) above. Thank you SO MUCH!
The Disco has molded foot braces.
Good hunting!
Options to Venus 11 - Which is Best?
After reading through everyone’s suggestions, I added two more possibilities to my list of SOTs:
- Liquidlogic Coupe
- Ocean Kayak Trident 11 Angler
Both of these have a built-in wheel on the back for easier transporting, which appeals to me, since I’m not very big or very young.
The Trident has a large, rectangular DRY storage compartment mid-boat which would fit a camera.
The liquidlogic has a spring-loaded skeg and padded thigh straps.
Both are heavier, with the liquidlogic at 50# and the Trident 11 at 54.45#.
The chat support guy at thought the Venus was still the better recreational kayak (as compared to the Trident) but said either would work.
Liquidlogic seems difficult to get here in Florida (no dealers nearby - online orders have a $175 shipping fee).
I’d stick with the Venus over the other two. The Angler is WIDE and has lots of do dads that you don’t need.
You really should paddle the Venus,
and the Skimmer 116.
There is just no comparison, and the Hurricane Skimmer is well worth the extra money.
Use a proper fit guide
Hornbeck’s advice for canoes is not the same as looking at a place that tries to ascribe a proper fit for kayaks.
As I said above, Werner has one on their site. You are likely looking at low angle paddling. It takes into account your height, the width of the boat etc. Here is the link.
What Sissy said ^^^^
I see that Canoe Country Outfitters in St. Petersburg carries both Hurricane and Ocean Kayaks. It would be worth giving them a call to see if you can demo.
Got My New Kayak!!!
I’m SOOOO excited!! I bought the Ocean Kayak Venus 11 today (in blue). Our local dealer got in a “blemished” one from the factory at a decent discount, and they offered 10% off accessories with the kayak purchase, as well.
So, in addition to the kayak, I also purchased the Aqua Bound Sting Ray Carbon/Carbon paddle; an inexpensive universal PFD; a whistle; a Geckobrands waterproof, clear, smart phone dry bag; a paddle leash; and a sun glasses float thingy (since my sunglasses are prescription).
I still have to purchase a cart to take the kayak from the car to the launch site. ANY SUGGESTIONS? I’d like something that can fit in the kayak, if necessary. Do any of them float?
I’ll still need some sort of medium-sized dry bag for my camera and a smaller one for wallet, keys, etc.
I also still have to purchase a tarp to protect the interior of my car because … (drum roll…)
I was extremely happy to find that the Venus 11 actually fits INSIDE my Ford Edge and extends out the back by only 6" or so. That saved me a LOT of money for a car rack system.
Off to the Sarasota Bay!!!
Get a Pelican case for the camera.
A good dry bag is almost a necessity but get the smallest one that will hold the necessities.They can get really bulky.