SOT Seat

I need suggestions on what seat you would recommend for a SOT. I have a Perception Koho on order and I have no idea which seat to get. I think I would like one with a high back. Any help is appreciated.

I’ve been looking
and I think for the $$ the universal kayak seat looks the best. It has a higher back and you can add all kinds of attachments to it. Just my 2 cents.

Check out

– Last Updated: Jul-14-05 9:12 AM EST –

Surf to summit for your seats. There are 2 things besides a PFD that that you should get as comfortable or light as you can. A seat and a paddle. Go comfortable and light as you can afford.

If you are a fairly casual paddler, in mild conditions, those high back seats are OK.

If you play in surf, or conditions that might require a deep water re-entry, a lower back doesn’t get in the way so much.

A separate backband gives more control than one with a built in seat. That is what I use.

Have you paddled the Koho?
If you have and like it , enjoy it.

If you haven’t, can you cancel/change the order? My SOT experience has been a WS Freedom and Tarpon and compared to those boats, the Koho is a slug.I rented one at the beach last week and paddled it into the wind and a mild current for 1.5 miles, and it felt like paddling up a mountain, and I am not a weak paddler.

I went to a couple of demo days and tried different SOT’s and always came back to the Koho. I already own a couple of sea kayaks, so I’m really not planning to use these for any distance paddling, mainly to do some small rapids where my sea kayaks can’t go.

High Backs
tend to get in the way of your PFD unless you wear one with a mesh back such as the Kokotat Mild Water.

It should work well for that.