I thought some might be interested in this current SC coastal warning for showers producing waterspouts.
Go catch one! With your camera.
I was paddling off of Folly Beach, SC this morning in some lively water around 10:30 am. There was a small storm several miles off shore. I could see the rain coming down from it. Then I noticed a funnel stretching down from it. It stretched about halfway down to the water. It receded most of the way over a short bit, then extended back down about half way to the water. Within about another minute it completely receded, and I didn’t see it again. This little storm was very slowly moving towards shore. I landed on the beach about 11:00, loaded and came home. It didn’t connect with the water, but it was still an exciting thing to see while out kayaking.
Sing would like it?
Thanks. Never considered it.
We have been getting waves all week (been checking). But my car has been in the shop for over three weeks now. Plus, just got back from a week out at the other Bay (west coast).
More waves this week. Hope my car gets fixed soon.