Splitrock, Osprey, Mist, Prism? Which?

How rough can it handle?
some chop and wind, or a little more than that?

Or a Clipper Sea-1? NM

Sea 1 way more than 35 lbs.

No, I haven’t paddled it. I’d like to.
Not much info on it out there in cyberspace, yet.

We can’t know
how comfortable or uncomfortable you would be paddling a boat like the Advantage in significant chop. You might not know either, until you tried it.

Boats like the Advantage, Sawyer Summersong, and (I suspect) the Clipper Freedom are fast, go straight type of boats, boats that can be paddled up to a good speed relatively easily without a lot of thought involved. Turning them involves a bit of commitment, and sometimes some advanced planning. That is no disadvantage for open water.

Something like the Wenonah Prism or Swift Osprey will still be quite efficient, but not feel quite as quick, but will offer a greater sense of seaworthiness.

If you want people to pick a boat based on what they perceive to be your needs, my vote would be for the Swift Osprey.

check out used on pnet
(OR) Wenonah Kruger design Advantage 1 solo kevlar canoe. sliding tractor seat. Wood gunwales. Great shape for an '89

For the price of used, it might be worth it to buy one and try it. There is a good, active, used market on pnet. I’ve bought and sold a few boats over the years and always have enjoyed working with others in the sport. Others here have bought and sold so much it would make you head spin.

Point is, you’ll learn more and at used level, the prices are often manageable.

The above ad is only a day or so old. Ask for pics and go from there.

Good idea, I need to check more often…
I like the idea very much, the only problem is that often the closest ones to my area require a ferry trip off the island and then going across the border, but I certainly would be willing to do that for the right boat.