I have a Necky Chatham 16 and am looking for a sprayskirt that will keep the water out when I roll. Perhaps I should add that it should stay on while I am stuck upside down learning to roll. Since I am stuck in Kansas, I really don’t have an opportunity to try any on or check for fit and finish. I own a Seals Tropical Spray Skirt and though it does a great job keeping out waves, it pops off quick if I roll onto my side. And I assume it should.
Anything all neoprene should do the job
I like Snap Dragon so I would recommend the Ocean Trek. Immersion Research Shockwave is pretty good too.
Begging to differ
Neoprene is like fleece-old technology.
I’ve got close to 14 spraydecks, some all neoprene, some all nylong, combos of each but the best by far of all of them is ChillCheater…tighest seal, lighter than neoprene, dries so very quickly.
Some however don’t like the double bungie rand,maybe brazilbrazil can chime in on this, but i think that depends on how close the cockpit coming is to the deck.
I got tired of neoprene being wet/heavy/cold the next day when paddle camping so the big factor for me was how quick the chillcheater stuff dries. liked it so much i got there coveral cag, tuliq too.
I was going to recommend it but…
I have had a few issues with the Reed decks. My cockpit coaming on two boats sliced through the Reed decks in a short time. I have since fixed the the problem, but it never seemed to effect my Snap Dragon decks.
Still, it is a good option.
Reed has a number of sprayskirts
Some are neoprene, others are not. Which model do you recommend?
Mountain Surf…
Mountain Surf…
Not real cheap, bur the best bomber proof touring skirts I’ve used…