Glad they were okay. The wind can make some big choppy waves out in the open. Surfskis don’t like chop.
@DrowningDave said:
Glad they were okay. The wind can make some big choppy waves out in the open. Surfskis don’t like chop.
I noticed that with mine. Could it be the operators?
Nope. It’s the 22 foot length and the 17 inch width. However I will admit it does float better without me in it.
The weekend before last a friend and I put in at noon on Jocassee with 20 mph winds forecast with even higher gusts (as high as 40 mph predicted) . We were in sea kayaks. wind against us most of the way. Chop was 2’ at about 8’ intervals. When a gust would hit it would flatten the waves and the surface of the water reminded me of what it looks like in a hard rain. We crossed the main pool in these conditions No way to avoid the conditions. I never felt in trouble, but it sure kept me alert. Stopped for lunch and waited a couple hours to see if it would let up. The clamer spells between gust seemed to be longer so we headed on to our campsite. Instead of 7.5 miles we paddled 10.5 miles trying to find some shelter from the wind, but we still had lots of unsheltered open water to paddle. The wind strength and added distance took about 5 instead of 3 hours paddling to make camp. The wind on Jocassee can pack a punch! Its conditions in rough water that I find my sea kayak at it’s best as we dance in the waves.
Flotsam, how is that bombproof roll coming along?
Even on one local club river paddle the route ended in an open area near Lake Michigan and I could not believe that a dozen retired folks would expose themselves to wind levels that had me fully alert in my Merlin II solo which is an outstanding solo canoe for windy days. Turns out everyone else had kayaks.
On a side note on the upstream part I paddled at the front of the pack alongside a 75 year old woman named Penelope that was complaining about a shoulder injury and I think we were cruising at about 4.5 mph because I was tapped out. That club dissolved but you’ve gotta admire hardcore retired paddlers that get out often.
Very scary Jocassee story string. Taking a dog usually makes me more conservative because I know I would have to do whatever it takes to save the dog if my own stupidity creates a problem.
I’ve got a couple of medical people who can’t believe I still do it. Got to as long as you can.