St. Lawrence trip suggestions?

My honey & I are planning a quick trip for our 10th anniversary (sans kids - whoohooo!). We don’t have time to get too far from home, so we’re thinking of the St. Lawrence. We’ve camped on Wellesley in the past. We’re looking for an inn or b&b this time - preferably on the water.

So… does anyone have suggestions about good spots to paddle from? Any thoughts about where to stay?

Thanks a bunch!


Glen House Resort in Ivy Lea

– Last Updated: Jul-19-07 3:25 PM EST –

on the Canadian side.

Great accommodation, food and beach. Kayak friendly. Its just a ten minute paddle to Mulcaster Islands and a little farther to the islands under the bridge or the Admiralty or Navy Islands.
Launch from the beach.

I have camped on the Islands and for a night out gone to this inn.

for the recommendation. I think we’re going to stay on the canadian side and paddle in the Admiralty islands.



Sugar Island
If you are in this area, don’t miss the American Canoe Association’s Sugar Island. This is a rustic family camping area owned by the ACA since 1903. For more information see